Brave friends

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Elle pov
I woke up it's 5:00 am . Look at my older sister if she's there in her room . I look at her she is so sleepy . I go to my bathroom and I do my morning routine . I wear a black skirt with a white shirt and pair with black jacket . I grab my phone and put it on my bags . I grab my books . And I go to my kitchen . I cook some breakfast for me and my sister . And I eat . I grab some apple and orange juice . Then I go to my car and drive to my school
I park my car . And I walk to the entrance . I met david and he said "Elle so your coming to the party?" "I don't know dav . I will try my best to reach your party " I said to him .
"The party is on the friday night " " ok " and  I replied to him . I smile at him and we both smile to each other .its getting awkward . Then david said " so can we walk together to our first class" "ok let's go" then he grab my books and say "I will help u " "thanks " we smiled . And talk "u know david mrs jarred is so funny when she make her face angry" I said and he laughs "hahaha! yeah!. And I remember when we just seven . Your late at the first class and the whole class laughed at u accept me and your faces like a crying puppy " then we laugh together until we reach the class . We sat  down and we talk about are love life he ask me "who is your crush " and I was so nervous when he ask me that question cause he is my first crush . I don't know what I'm going to answer . But I decided to tell him about my feelings for him "hmmm my crush is......... is..... " before I say it Stella came and she kiss david on his lips very hard.
Stella:hey babe( and she kiss his lips)
David:woah ... Stella
She's wearing a red fit dress the her hips was open .
David:u look very hot today
Stella:I know (then she sit on david legs. And she kiss david in his lips and neck )
David:hmmmmm.... Stella can we do this later we're at the school
Then she go and sat at the chair beside david. After that the teacher came and we started our class
After class
Its swimming class . We all go to our locker to get our swimming trunks . After we got that we go to the women dressing room. And we go to the pool
I was walking alone and someone call my name "Elle!!!  " when I turned around it's cenna . And he run at me
Elle:how are u ?
Cenna:I'm fine now
Elle:it's nice to hear that
Cenna:can I ask u . If your coming to the party ?
Elle:I'm coming to the party . How about you?
Cenna:I'm coming too  (smiled at me)
Elle:ok have to go . The swimming class is starting
Cenna:bye see u around
We smiled together
David pov
I hear Elle and cenna are talking . Cenna ask her if she's coming to the party she said yes if I ask her she said I don't know. It's not fair . I think I need to give her I time with me . I go to Elle and I ask her if she's free later
David:hey Elle are u free later. After the class
Elle:I'm free . I will make my homework at the library so I will free later . We don't have 4rt period right?
David:yes . So can we go to the star bucks so we can talk and we can make time for us
1 hours later
Lunch time
Elle pov
I walk to the canteen with my lunch . I sit with Camille and yanna
Yanna:so what about cenna
Camille:yeah ?!
Elle:guys were just friends
Yanna:hehhhehehehhe . Oh my gosh Elle don't lie to us
Elle:I'm not
Then we saw the 4 mean girls .they have a new friend named Ruby
Yanna:they have a another recruit
Camille:omg they coming here
Then they come at us
Rebeca:hello bitches
Then yanna stand
Yanna:who is the bitch
Nicole:you all are so bitch
Stella:stop guys I can handle this
Then Stella came With her lunch
Stella: Elle your so fucking bitch.
Camille:what did u say to our friends !!
Ruby: stop stupid
Then I try to stop Camille
Stella:Elle I said stay away from david or else u will go to the 🔥 fire!!
Then Stella throw her food at me and I was sitting  I don't do anything cause I don't want to suspended . Then yanna grab her food and throw it on Stella face
Yanna:this is for u bitch
Stella:eww yuck.
Then ruby grab a  towel and swipe the food from Stella
Nicole:we will revenge
Rebeca try to throw a food to yanna but adi came and said
Adi:what happening
Adi:stop rebeca
Yanna:adi thank u . U save me
Then Rebeca said "lets go girls" and they leave us alone .
Adi:yanna are u okay ?
Yanna:yes adi
Adi:this girl is so mean .
Adi :oh my gosh Elle what happened to you . U have a food on your faces and your cloth are to wet . Who did this
Camille:its S,,,.... (I cover her mouth cause I don't want to destroy there relationships  )
Adi:who Camille?
Elle:I   Slide at the floors  then my lunch throw at me .
Adi:ok (then tal call adi)
Tal:adi!!!!!! Hey bro come here .
Adi:ok . Bye yanna,Camille and Elle
And he go

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