His girlfriend was so mean

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11 years later
We our high school and david become a hot and popular boy at the school . I have a friends now named yanna,Camill they are transferred here when they 8 years old. They are my friends when I was in the Spain . Until now we are bff's. like a real sisters

Elle pov
Woke up it's 6:30am . I take a bath and I wear a black jeans with a of white shirt . And I wear a vans old school . I comb my Latina hair . And wear a eye glass cause my eyes is not really clear.And I brush my teeth and grab my phone and put it on my bag . I eat my cereal. Cause my mom and dad have a work in New York . I go to my car and drive to my school . I walk and lock my car . And I saw david waving
Me:hey (then david hug me)
D:here's your invitation for the prom party
Me:thanks , but u know I can't go to the party since we are just kid ?right?
D:juts keep it . If u change your mind pls ,go with us
He make his puppy eyes
M:I'll try
D:ok thanks .
Then one girl call him . That girl look at me with a mad eyes
D:oh I almost forgot to tell u , Stella this is Elle
Then I try to offer her a shake hands
N:babe, can we go now
D:ok , Elle I have to go see you around
When I know that , I feel my world broke into small piece. When they go . I go to my locker , and get my chemistry book . I go to comport room to do something . When I was going out to the cR . Some groups of girl block the way AGAIN, it's Stella Rebecca and Nicole
S:hey!elle stay away from my boyfriend !
N:Stella.she need lesson
Then Rebecca push me and I fall , I remember when I was seven they lock me in cr .
S:when I saw u again with my boy I will punch u bitch
Then nicole slap me , and they go . I'm not a bad person like them I can't fight cause I protecting they relationship . So david couldn't be hurt . Cause I don't wanna see david cry like when we just 7 . Someone push me on the playground and I cry then david punch that boy and he hug me . I cry then he cry too I don't why . After that I wash my face and I go to my class . I saw david beside me .
D:oh , u have a red punch on your faces who did this?
Then I saw Stella looking at me with a angry eyes again . That going melt me
M:no , I just get slide on the floor on the cR .
D:are u sure?u need medical
M:I'm fine
Then the teacher came and we started our class
After the class it's lunch time . I get my food and I sit on the empty table ,when I was there I saw david
D:hey! sit here
M:I'm ok here
D:no sit here
Then he pull me so I set there with david friends tal,nick,adi,Anthony,Michael ,jojo,cenna
We eat and we talk
Tal:so are guys are best friends since
u are 7 years old
Adi:have u guys date?
David :Nono we are just friends
Jojo:did u guys kiss (laughing )
Me/david:no were not doing any of that
Then they laugh until Stella came they become silent
Stella:hey guys
Then tal grab his food
Tal:I have to go bye
JoJo:oh my friend is calling me
Anthony:oh my teacher need help bye
Michael:oh my softball them is practicing I have to go
Adi:yanna was calling sorry guys
Nick:need to go bye
Then they go and sit to the other table
Me ,cenna ,Stella and her girls , david is on the table
Me:david I have to go
Cenna:me too
Then we grab are food and go to the empty table
And we talk
Me:cenna do u know why tal,adi,nick,jojo,Anthony,Michael are avoiding Stella
Cenna:cause Stella is so mean and they don't like that girl for david
Cenna:your cute
Me:thanks , u too
Cenna:hehehe nice to met u
Me:nice to met u too
After lunch time .
Skip classes -cause is so boring
After class
I was walking to go in my car . When david call me "hey Elle can we hang out later with Stella friends " I answered "hmmm . I have to many assignments so I cant go". David "ammm, by the way who is your partner at science ?" I said "i don't have any partner" david said "why?" Then i said "cause I can do it by myself " david"ok " with a sad face. When he look like that . Stella call him "baby let's go " david "ok bye Elle see u later " then he hug me and he go . I go to my car and I started to drive . I listen some music . After that I go home . I take a bath and I cook some food for dinner . When I was finished I eat that food and I put the food on refrigerator for my older sisters . I go to my room and I text ken my older sis
Me:hey the food is in the refrigerator
Ken:ok I will be there when I was finished this homework with tal
After that I brush my teeth and wear my pj . I go to my bed and I look at to the window I saw david and Stella are kissing . Then david take off his shirt . I was so nervous to see that . So I go to the park with my pj and books,laptop
. When I was there I started to do my homework . After that . I listen some music and I look at the star ⭐️.
Me:hi star are u ok (I said it to my self )
Then I feel that someone touch me and my shoulders. I was so scared so I try to pouch that . And when I punch that it was cenna
Cenna "ouch!" And I said "I'm so sorry cenna pls forgive me " cenna"don't worry it's ok " then his faces started to be pink I grab my stuff and I pull him to my house and give him a first aid . I grab some ice and put it on his faces "cenna I'm so sorry for what I done " I said then cenna replied "it's ok Elle " "what are u doing there at the park ?" I ask him "I was walking to relax until I saw u talking so i go there to talk you " he said ."so can I stay here with u " he ask me "yes .lets watch tv " i answered

Hope you like cenna at freetime . I really like that guy cause he is so cute . Pls vote,share,like luv you

Jealousy are just illusion

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