Years came

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Years later
David become  photographer . And I become a  flight attendant .
David pov
I woke up in my own house . I FaceTime  Elle and ask her if she's ok
D:hey babe , good morning
E:good morning
Then  i    Put my phone in the table so she can see what happening . I go to my bathroom and take a bath and do my morning routine,I wear a black hoodie and a jeans . I go to the kitchen and she said
E:babe come here in my  house I prepared a breakfast for us
D:ok in my way babe
I go to my car and go there . I open the door and I saw Elle with her uniform . She is so sexy and beautiful . She said "babe the breakfast is ready " we sat together and eat our breakfast  and Elle said "babe I have to go " then I said "I will take you to your work" "ok babe ,oh wait here this is your lunch " she give me my lunch ."thanks babe" I kiss her and we go . I take her in her work and I kiss here before she leave .  I don't want her to leave ......... and she said "babe take care"  then I wave at her before she go.................
........,....."....   ,.......,.,..,.,,.,.,,..,.....................................

Sorry guys for a short chapter
Guys I'm so busy this day that's why I decided to end this story at the next chapter
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