1. Kyle Monrovo

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Chapter Dedication

Great, another fucking day!

Kyle Monrovo thought while walking down the corridors of Greenwich Avenue High school, passing through the crowd of students. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he made his way to his locker.

3 years 11 months. C'mon Kyle, you can do it.

He encouraged himself while opening his locker, stuffing all unnecessary books into it. Slamming it shut, he surveyed the crowd. The jocks were fist-bumping each other, flexing their biceps to get females' attention, all pretty girls were standing near their locker, looking at the mirror, fixing their make-up and the nerds were piling up books in their hand.

Yeah, all the stereotypes and shit.

And what about him? He is invisible, just like he wanted. No center of attention, no fake friends and no drama. But sometimes, he finds himself way too lonely for his liking. He wishes to befriend someone. Someone like him.

But what's the guarantee? The person might use him, backstab him or act all frenemy with him. All these points made Kyle push others away from him.

Sometimes the seniors talk to him because he looks cool enough to be hang out with or even some girls try to flirt with him cause he's good looking. But he doesn't want to fall in anyone's trap.

That's Kyle Monrovo for you.

* * *

"Alright class." Coach announced, bringing everyone's attention. "Two rounds everyone. Once you are done with it, boys will play dodgeball and girls will play volleyball." He spoke while raising volleyball and basketball in either hands. "You all must be knowing how to play."

Everyone nodded. "Well, then what are you waiting for? Your grandma to come?" Coach blew his whistle and everyone followed his orders.

After completing two rounds, Kyle started doing warm up by rotating his arms and ankles one by one when suddenly a smelly scent filled his lungs, making him scrunching his nose. The others in the room can smell the same. "Where's that pussy-pansy smell coming from?" Coach muttered.

Kyle heard the game room door burst open revealing a lanky boy. His head and torso is drenched with water. Everyone started covering their nose, murmuring how gross he smells.

"You!" The coach pointed his finger at him accusingly, making the boy shrink in fear. "What's your name?"

"Jonathan Miller, sir."

"What is the meaning of this?" He shouted again, demanding for some explanation.

"I drowned." Was all his answer.

"More like drowned in toilet water!" Someone joked, making everyone erupt into laughter. Kyle didn't find it amusing.

"You are dismissed today." Coach said, waving his hand in dismissal.


"And I want you to go and have a shower — twice!" Jonathan looked down at his feet with embarrassment before nodding and left the room.

"Ugh! That smell reminds me of my mother-in-law peeing in her bed." He muttered under his breath.

He clapped his hands twice before shouting, "Boys, this is no photoshoot modeling! Ladies, you are not here for chit-chat. C'mon, let's get your butts moving!"

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