6. Kyle Monrovo

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Chapter Dedication

New day, new you.

Kyle stared at the shirt his mother bought him the other day. He couldn't help but march out of the room and demand an explanation for the shirt.

"Mom, what is this?" He asked, dangling the shirt in mid-air.

His mother, Marie Monrovo, looked up from her magazine and a 100 watt smile displayed on her face. "Sweetie, that's your new shirt! I bought it from Pantaloons yesterday." She chirped, rising up from her seat and walking towards her son.

"Mom, you know. . .you could have asked me." He mumbled, shifting his gaze back on the shirt and looking at it questionably.

His mother's smile fell and pain flashed through her eyes. "Oh. . .I thought you would like it." Kyle stared at his mother, noticing the emotions running through her eyes. He hates it when he sees her like that. "Alright then, I will give this to your brother." His mother mumbled sadly, was about to take the shirt but Kyle swiftly pulled down the shirt over his head, covering his torso.

"It's fine mom." He hesitated, giving his mother a small smile. "I like it."

Marie's lips tugged upwards, pulling him into for a hug. "Oh my. . .thank you sweetheart." Kyle felt the warmth and love radiating from her, hugging her back.

"I love you mom. You know that, right?" He whispered.

Marie pulled her face away to look at her older son. "Of course dear." Her finger trailed over his face, pinching his cheeks lightly. "And I love you too." She whispered back.

"Hey! What about me?" A voice interfered, causing the son and mother to pull away from hug and glancing at the intruder.

"Always finding a way to interrupt our moment." Kyle grumbled, glowering at his younger brother, Jay.

"And you know me!" He winked at him, hugging him and his mother. "And I love you too mom! More than Kyle!"

Kyle muttered some incoherent words under his breath.

*  *  *

Just like other days, Kyle walked through the crowd in the corridor, pretending to be invisible. Advancing towards his locker, he pulled out his next class' books.


As far as he remember, he hated art with passion. But only took classes obediently because of his only friend, Gabriella White, who lives miles away from him. Every time he attends art class, it reminds him of her.

He felt his heart beat thudding against his chest. He closed his eyes, imagining her sitting near him, laughing at some funny joke he commented. Too bad, it couldn't happen in real life. Cause they live far away from each other.

He mentally noted to call her once he is free.

Closing his locker, he strides towards his class.

Once he entered the class, he realised that he arrived early. "Ah, Mr. Monrovo. Come on in." Mrs. Pacheco ushered him in.

Surveying the class, he decided to take a seat in the middle row, near the window.

One by one, he watched pupil walking in and taking their seats. When the bell rang, Mrs. Pacheco closed the door shut and started introducing the class with a new topic.

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