5. Daniella Valentine

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Chapter Dedication

Daniella dragged herself out of the building with a gloomy look on her face. She has been looking for Jonathan for last fifteen minutes but unfortunately her luck hasn't been on her side. She knew for sure that Ashton will make her life miserable if she tries to contact with Jonathan. But she doesn't have enough guts to see him being beaten up. After all, some people are not cruel.

She exhaled loudly while bending on her knees, trying to catch up her breath. She heard a footstep approaching towards her. Quickly straightening herself, she racewalked out but the footsteps became more loud and the person was almost in the verge of attacking her from behind. Daniella was pulled backwards and her body was slammed against a wall.

Her breath got stuck down her throat as she was trying to speak up but the attacker speaks up first. "Daniella Valentine. What a pleasure to see you in this way." She saw the attacker's lips quirking upwards.

"Ashton Hamilton." She acknowledged him curtly. "What do I owe you?" She monotonously asked.

"Well. . ." He trailed off, brushing his lips over the shell of her ear. "Aren't you a smart girl. How did you know that I am encountering you for something?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, pressing her lips thin before hissing, "Because people like you never associate with people like me."

Ashton's lips turned into an 'o' shape before twitching his lips. "Well, there's one thing I want you to do for me. . .actually, make it two."

She pushed him back harshly and crossed her arms, creating a distance between him.

"Okay and what is it?" She raised her brows, patiently waiting for him to answer.

"First," He sticks out his forefinger. "I want you to have a date with me." She snorted at his proposal. "I don't think I said something amusing." He pointed out.

"Actually, you did." She retorted. "You see, you don't seem to catch my attention. Same goes for your brother and same goes for your little winny down there."

"It's not a request, it's an order." He glowered.

She gave a sidelong glance towards the exit before continuing, "I'll think about it. What's number two?"

On mentioning number two, Ashton became infuriated. He stepped closer to her, ignoring Daniella's uneasiness. He placed both of his hand on the either side of her head, caging her. "And the second one is to stay the hell away from Jonathan. Am I clear?"

"Let me ask you something. What did he do to you that make you all maddened?" She piped up, raising her brow.

Ashton tilts his head sideways, studying her face. He clucked his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly. "You know Daniella, you ask too many questions."

"Glad to help you. You better use your tongue and start answering my questions." She snapped.

"I could use my tongue for other purposes as well. I hope you can help me with that." His dirty words made Daniella cringe her nose. But that didn't stopped him. "It's best for me to know and you to never find out." He lowered his head, maintaining his head level as same as Daniella's. "And if I ever find you with that piece of shit, then consider his whole high school life as a nightmare. And I'll make sure he will rot and crumble like dust. Mark my words."

He backed away a bit, allowing her to breath again. His chest vibrated as laughter escaped from his lips and resonating throughout the corridor. "I knew you were kind of a strict girl. Your blonde friend. . .she's pretty sexy."

"You better stay away from Lizzy. You hear me?" She hissed, narrowing his eyes, challenging him.

"Then make me." He guaffled at his own words. "And yeah, not a word to anyone." He warned her before departing from the school.

Daniella let out her breath she was holding. Her eyes became glossy, tears threatening to spill any moment now.

Don't cry, don't cry. Lizzy should never know about this.

She thought while wiping off her tears that rolled down over her cheeks. She won't let anyone see her vulnerable. Now that Ashton knows her weak point, she decided to ignore Jonathan.

It's going to be tough for her and also for him. She saw him smile when he saw the packet she gave him. Maybe, she wanted to spend more time with him as she started to have some feelings towards him.

But it has to stop, for a while. Her subconscious warned.

She hung her head low in defeat before exiting from the school.

Little did she know that someone had already eavesdropped their conversation.

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