3. Jonathan Miller

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Chapter Dedication

Miller's car is being pulled over near school parking lot with Nancy Miller in driver's seat and Jonathan in passenger seat. Jonathan stared out of the window at people who were rushing inside the school.

"Jon, sweetheart."

Jonathan diverted his attention to his mother, giving her narrowed eyes look. He hated it whenever someone calls him Jon. It only reminded him of his grandmother from his father's side who always criticised him for being not-so-perfect among her other grandchildren.

"What's wrong? You are so quiet." She observed her son.

Jonathan glanced back to the window, mumbling, "I have to get going. I'll be late for my class."

He opened the passenger door and almost stepped out of his mother's vehicle but stopped when a hand rested on his wrist.

"Jonathan, sweetheart. What's going on? You have been so quiet these days, never talk about your school or your new friends. Is everything alright?"

Jonathan wanted to laugh out loud, wanted to tell her how the kids are treating him and how he got bullied by few seniors. He wanted to tell her that no one wanted to be friends with an idiot like him. But he decided to stay shut. He doesn't want his mother to have a panic attack on hearing him being bullied.

"Nothing, mom. School is. . . school. Homework is keeping me busy and that didn't gave me chance to make friends with anyone." He lied to her smoothly.

Nancy gave him a small smile, brushing his hair slowly. "Oh, I knew you will be an obedient student. But please try to make some friends. At least one. I was so heartbroken when I came to know that you never had friends in middle school."

Jonathan sighed before nodding. He took her hand and gave a kiss on the back of her hand. "Love you, mom."

"Love you too, sweetheart."

Jonathan stepped out of the car and watched her mother driving out of the school, leaving him in misery.

A boy being bullied by almost everyone but manages to keep it a secret by lying to his caring parents.

That's Jonathan Miller for you.

* * *

It was lunch time and Jonathan's stomach has been grumbling for continuous half an hour. He quickly made his way to the bustling lunch room. He stood in the queue, waiting for his chance to take the food.

"Umm. . . excuse me." He heard someone calling him behind his back. He glanced at the person over his shoulder, noticing a girl staring at him with bright smile.

"Uh. . . hi? May I help you?"

The girl quickly shook her head, answering, "Oh, no. I just wanted wanted to talk to someone since-" she motioned the queue they were standing. "-the line is quite long. So I thought of chatting with you." She quickly surveyed the queue before continuing, "To be honest, you look like a decent guy to talk to instead of perverts who approached me."

Jonathan let out a soft laugh, truely impressed by the girl's humour.

"You must be Jonathan, right?" His eyes widened in shock when he heard the girl.

"Yeah, how do you know that?"

She gave him an apologetic smile, answering, "It's quite hard to forget you after seeing you in game room, yesterday."

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