2. Fredward Benson

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Chapter Dedication

"Here's the ice packet." Carly rushed over Freddie's place, handing him an ice packet. Freddie gently places it over his manhood but winced in pain when it touches.

"Why does it always happens to me?" Freddie grumbled with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes, peering his childhood friend who plopped on his bed, playing with his laser stick.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Freddie spoke nonchalantly, indirectly warning her not to break his stuff. Carly rolled her eyes before placing it back to original spot.

"I hate Ashton." Carly admitted.

"Feelings mutual." Freddie tried to stand up from his L shape sofa set but his friend's glare made him not to do so.

"I don't understand what does he get after doing all this horrible things to others?"

"Satisfaction." Freddie answered, glancing at Carly for reaction. Finding none, he continued. "He's a bully, you know that. He targets at people, mock them, beat them into pulp, only to get satisfaction."

"What is he, a sadist?" She retorted.

"Looks like he is." He slowly removed the ice packet and blanket from his manhood but Carly stopped him.

"No, put those on. You need to heal faster."

"Why?" Freddie questioned.

"Because my parents are coming over to your place for gathering and I don't think you want them to know what happened to you." She raised her brows, giving him 'I-know-I-am-right' look.

* * *

It was around 7:30 in the evening and Carly's parents were in Freddie's place. Freddie got better, all thanks to Carly. They both were still in his room, lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling while their parents were in the living room, laughing at god know what.

Carly blows her cheeks before asking, "What are you thinking?"

"I am thinking about Ashton." Freddie answered while Carly hummed. "You know, majority of the sadists are good looking." He said as a matter-of-fact tone.

Carly side glances her friend, her lips stretching from ear to ear. "Oh, so you think Ashton is good-looking." She teased him.

He shook his head hastily, protesting, "I am not saying it in my point-of-view. I am saying it generally."

But Carly was deaf to his protests. She rose up, sitting in his bed and slapped her hand against his chest. "Finally you accepted that you are gay. Don't worry, everyone else will also accept you."

Freddie rose up, sitting beside her and clasped his hands on her shoulders. "You got it all wrong. I-I. . .I don't find him. . ." He stammered.

"You find him good-looking, I get it." Carly grinned. She stood up abruptly, announcing, "I gotta go and tell this to Mrs. Benson." She ran out of his room. Freddie was about to catch her but his bedroom door was slammed shut right on his face. He tried to open the door but repeatedly fail. Suddenly he realised that she locked the door from outside.

"Carly! Open the door!" He yelled, punching the door to get attention. He groaned and slumped on the ground with his head on his hands.

She will embarrass him in front of everyone.

He thought before his fist connects to adjacent wall. At that same moment, the door opened, hitting Freddie's back. "Freddie, move aside. I am coming in." Carly announced. But he didn't moved from his spot, still angry at his friend. "Freddie. . .I didn't told them anything. I was joking."

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