7. Fredward Benson

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Chapter Dedication

You know, what's the best moment for Fredward? When he is playing video games with no one as his partner. No fighting, no continuous talking. Just him and his console.

He skipped school today as he didn't want to encounter with Carly at any cost. It's damn so hurtful for him to know that she didn't felt any feelings towards him. But can you blame him? Growing up with Carly has literally made him head over heels. Since she isn't reciprocating his feelings back, so he decided to shut himself from her.

Sometimes he wants to trap himself into the video games, become a main character in it and play the game just like the users do. He always hope for teleportation that will help him teleport into the videogame database. But of course, technology hasn't advanced that much.

Freddie heard his bedroom door open but he didn't averted his face. "Sweetheart—" It's his mother. "Will you stop playing videogames and come downstairs? Your father and I need to talk to you."

He paused the game and rose up to his feet, following his mother down to the living room. He plonked down onto the one seater sofa set, facing his parents. His mother took a seat beside her husband, waiting for their son to get comfortable.

"So, what's up?"

John and Fiona, his parents glanced at each other before clearing their throats. "Fredward, should we be concerned about you?" John asked.

Freddie sat straight with his brows furrowed. Whenever his parents call him with original name, he can sense that either he's in trouble or something is important.

"I didn't do anything!" Freddie defended himself, raising his hands in surrender.

"No no no." Fiona shook her head hastily. "We know you didn't do anything. It's just. . .we are worried about you." She clarified.

"Worried about what?" Freddie questioned, still not being able to comprehend their conversation.

"Well..." John trailed off. "About last night and this morning. Yesterday night, you didn't bid the Shay family goodbye neither you went to school today."

"We thought something is bothering you." Fiona added.

Freddie sighed in response, shaking his head. "Nothing is bothering me, you both are overthinking." Freddie lied smoothly, leaning against his seat.

His mother exhaled silently, simultaneously rubbing her temple and closing her eyes. "If you say so." Opening her eyes, she gave him a small smile. "Do you want me to prepare something for you? You didn't had breakfast this morning."

Freddie gave her a toothy grin and in return Fiona rose up to her feet, giving a kiss on his forehead, announcing, "I'll go and make something for you."

John waited for his wife to disappear from their sight before piping up, "You were lying. Weren't you?" Freddie was surprised nevertheless maintained his neutral expression on his face. John patted a spot beside him.

Freddie stood up and walked near his father, silently sitting beside him.

"Is it about school?"

Freddie shook his head.

"Is it about us?"


"Is it about Carly?"


Exactly after three seconds, John hummed. "So, you are avoiding her. Am I right."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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