4. Cedric Vasquez

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Chapter Dedication

The school bell struck and Cedric quickly made his way to History class. The class was already packed with students but luckily he spot a seat near window in the middle row. Passing through the crowd, he plopped down on his empty spot and started searching for his notebook.

Cedric would surely not call himself as a nerd or geek, whatever people would call. But he would call himself as an average student who would pass exams with flying colours with hard work.

Placing his copy and stationery items on the table, he started surveying the class, scrutinizing each and everyone. He likes to be quiet, sit in the corner and study every person's detail discreetly. That's what he does, that's what he is been doing since he started living with his grandparents.

"Yo, Cedric! What's up man?" Kevin Nolan, Cedric's so called best friend appeared, fist-bumping with him.

"Doing good." Cedric answered back monotonously. He never showed enthusiasm to anyone. As far as he remember, he is Kevin's friend only because Cedric's stalker's best friend is Kevin's crush. Cedric was just one of the intermediate through which Kevin could contact with his crush.

"Cedric, I am hosting a party this week. You should come." Kevin said excitedly, slapping Cedric's shoulder lightly.

Cedric narrowed his eyes at him before murmuring, "I'll think about it." He glanced back at Kevin, nonchalantly asking, "When is it?"

"Every Saturday night, for continuous three months." A smirk made his way on Kevin's face.

"Three months. . .continuously? Dude, can you handle that much pressure?" Cedric started doubting him.

"Definitely! How hard is it to throw a most awesome, worth-to-remember party?"

"As hard for you to keep your pants on." Cedric muttered under his breath. Giving a curt nod to each other, Kevin walked towards his empty seat.

Cedric dropped his head on his hands, clearly exhausted with overall 6 hours study time in school. He thought of clearing his head by joining in the basketball team. He heard that there will be try out in coming week.

His eyes continued wandering around the class when suddenly his eyes met with the cold black orbs.

Kyle Monrovo.

Cedric remember him very well since he got eliminated in the dodgeball game yesterday because of Kyle. There wasn't any anger or hatred manifested towards Kyle. He just felt that Kyle was a bit odd person he ever noticed.

For first few seconds, Kyle blankly stared at Cedric before walking towards an empty seat beside him, pretending like he is a stranger to Kyle.

Cedric was shocked plus confused with his multiple behaviour but decided to ignore it. Kyle is nothing to him. Then why it should bother him?

Cedric flipped through few pages, revising all the notes he wrote earlier. His attention got disturbed by a chair in front of him being pulled over and someone taking the seat. He glanced up from his copy, noticing a blonde girl sitting in front of him. The girl glanced sideways, poking her neighbouring girl's shoulder, trying to gain her attention. "Daniella!"

Daniella turned her focus on the girl with a frown on her face. "You didn't need to poke my shoulder harshly." She reminded her angrily while rubbing her bruised area.

"I am sorry. I just saw Jonathan coming inside the class." The girl alerted her.

Both the girls, including Cedric snapped their heads to the door, watching Jonathan rubbing his neck sheepishly while looking for an empty seat.

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