Chapter 35: Death Match

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Shadow stepped into the dark room that was dimly lit by the faint white glow on each chair. The room was empty, even the Grand Master who always seemed to be at the table was missing. Shadow walked over to his seat and sat down, it was the first time he had proper rest since he set out on the mission to obtain Arazach's blood. The small vial in hand, Shadow studied the red liquid within.

"I am glad you have returned safely Shadow. Do you mind if I take the vial?"

Shadow shook his head and placed the vial on the table in front of him. A cold air filled the room, Shadow could see his breath in front of him each time he exhaled. The vial lifted up off the table, before it faded away as if it never existed in the first place.

"You know Shadow, since the beginning when I was hunted by Demons and Gods alike, all I ever wanted was peace and quiet. I much like the Dragons' realm of Ejitope, or I should actually say the mortals' realm now. Over all these krosts that I've been alive, man has not changed much; greed for more wealth and lust for power has always resulted in wars. Many have given up on mortals as a result, seeing them as foolish creatures that would never change; however, I think that if you look at all wars, it is mortals fighting the darkness inside themselves and inside their fellow man. The Demons wish to plunge everything into darkness, for it is when they are at their strongest. The Gods wish to illuminate everything, because that is when they are at their strongest; but what both sides fail to see is that neither can exist without the other. There is a balance that must be maintained, a balance that both sides are trying to swing in their favour. I assembled the Calamities out of individuals that have been shunned and abandoned by the Gods, Demons and mortals to maintain the needed balance. For each one of you have no place to go; Shadow, when will you tell Vega the truth? Or should I reveal the truth about you first, former Demon King?" Null let the question linger in the air for a few seconds before he spoke once again, "No, you are not yet ready for that truth, the burden will be too great. Newgate asked that I send you to the Wolfthron Sanctuary; you are free to rest before you head there if you so desire to. Sloth and Lust are currently searching for Royland, once they find him we will finally make our move and end this pointless war."

Shadow remained seated as Null's voice disappeared, taking the icy cold air with it.

"The truth about me..." Shadow thought to himself as his heavy eyelids closed and he fell into a deep slumber.

Three vrots had passed before Shadow appeared at Wolfthorn Sanctuary, as always nobody saw him enter, only when he materialised in the centre of the throne room where Newgate sat was his presence revealed. Newgate had been in the middle of a discussion with Senegas, yet as soon as he saw Shadow he almost leapt for joy.

"Shadow my friend, I am so glad you are back safely. I heard that you were on a very important mission, one that could result in you returning with some grave wounds. I am glad to see that the notorious Calamity of Pride could not be touched."

Shadow gave Newgate a nod of the head, before he turned his attention to Senegas, who was clearly seeping with rage.

Newgate, remembering why Shadow was here, patted Shadow on the back before he spoke again, "Ah yes, Senegas humbly requested to meet with you as a reward. I do not know what it is that he wishes to speak to you about, but I ask that you will hear him out."

Shadow stepped towards Senegas, who's fists were clenched tight just waiting to explode, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. The two stood in their silent staring competition, not a single one of them moving an inch.

"Speak boy!" Newgate bellowed, "You shall not waste the time of the Calamity of Pride."

Hearing this only further fuelled Senegas' hate towards Shadow, "Shadow, I wish to fight you in one on one combat!"

"You insolent fool!" Newgate roared as he moved towards Senegas, however he was stopped by Shadow's raised hand.

Senegas began to smile, the smile slowly turned into a chuckle, until Senegas could no longer contain his laughter, "This is too amazing, finally I will be able to face the fabled Phantom Paradox."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Senegas swung at Shadow without even breaking his laugh. Shadow easily stepped back to dodge the strike and imitated a mock yawn.

"You bastard, I will kill you!"

Senegas lashed out at Shadow, striking wildly like a feral beast. Gone was the composed right hand man of the Iron Dominion and with each missed strike his frustration and rage only seemed to grow.

"All the hard work I've put into the Iron Dominion, ensuring that everything ran smoothly; so why is it that I am still nothing but a foot solider to him, while you are revered as an idol?" Senegas bellowed as he continued to try to land a blow on Shadow, "Why is some small, weakling coward that hides behind a mask and fights from the shadows loved and feared by all living? You and Newgate are supposed to be equals!"

Shadow dodged another punch, this time however he countered with a punch of his own. Shadow's fist moved so fast that it didn't look like it moved at all, if it wasn't for Senegas reeling backwards, clutching his throat while fighting for air, one would have thought Shadow had done nothing but ready a fist. Newgate at this point had sat down on his throne and observed the fight. As much as he didn't want to insult Shadow by letting this mockery of a battle to continue, he still wished to see Senegas grow from the experience and become stronger. Senegas regained his breath and stared daggers at Shadow, who had his arms crossed. Senegas vanished from view as he began to bounce around the room at high speed, circling Shadow, waiting for an opening to pounce on his prey.

Newgate gave an amused chuckle, "This should be interesting, show me what you can do Senegas."

With new found vigor from Newgate's words, Senegas increased his speed, creating a strong gust to swirl in the throne room. Shadow threw a dagger towards a pillar and Senegas readied to mock Shadow for an obvious miss; however, before Senegas got to even finish his thought, Shadow disappeared from the centre of the room. The next thing Senegas was processing was a boot kicking the air right from his lungs as he flew backwards and collided with the pillar. A second later the dagger Shadow threw pierced Senegas' shoulder and pinned him to the pillar. Newgate practically leapt from his throne in awe at what Shadow had done.

"Wow, how did you manage to throw the dagger at the correct pillar and at the right speed that it would pin Senegas after you kicked him into the pillar? You never cease to amaze me Shadow. My blood just boils in excitement thinking of a battle between you and Null. Do you think once this battle is over that the two of you will let me witness such a battle?" Newgate exclaimed as he chugged his ale and tossed the skull goblet to the floor.

"There you go again, placing him on a higher stool than yourself. Why do you do this Newgate? To us of the Iron Dominion there is no stronger than Newgate the Pillager, yet you speak of two beings beyond your power. It's sickening, it frustrates me, it makes the blood in my body boil with rage!" Senegas roared as he ripped the dagger from his shoulder and shot towards Shadow.

"Please don't kill him!" Was all Newgate managed to say as a midnight black energy circled Shadow's hand.

Slicing his hand through the air like a scythe, a blade of highly compressed air shot towards Senegas. The blade of air shot straight through Senegas, who had now come to a complete stop mid-air, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his white suit ripped to tatters. With a loud thud, Senegas' body hit the ground, lifeless.

"Senegas!" Newgate shouted as he rushed towards his right hand man. Looking at Shadow he asked, "Is he dead?"

Shadow shook his head as the same midnight black energy circled around his hand. Striking his palm into the chest of Senegas, the former bounty hunter coughed as his eyes regained focus.

"What happened?" Senegas managed to croak.

The words Newgate spoke barely registered to Senegas as he watched Shadow turn and walked away before he vanished into thin air. Unable to muster any strength, Senegas closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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