Dāku Uchiha Gets Attacked!

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I stood right outside Hiruzen's office waiting for him to be available. Right now, he was meeting with Minato. I leaned against the wall, hoping to get some rest before they finished. But, as fate would have it, Minato exited the room as soon as I closed my eyes.

"Hello Dāku. How was your mission?"

"A shadow is stepping into the light."

Minato smiled and bowed slightly. Looking at me, he nodded, showing his understanding. I sighed and patted Minato on the back before entering the office.

"Hokage-sama, I need to discuss something with you... in private."

Hiruzen nodded and shut the windows. Purple writing lit up inside the room before fading away. I held my composure at the sight. I was still a child and these kinds of things fascinated me.

"What's wrong, Dāku-kun?"

"Danzo. He and his Root ANBU tried to kill me on an "off-the-books" mission. He also tried to kill an ally in the process. I am preparing to leave for the mission with Obito but if you need me..."

"I see. This is a problem. I want you to continue monitoring Team Minato but if needed I'll contact you with that jutsu."

I smiled in appreciation and headed back out. I had about an hour before it was time to shadow the team. But before I could plan anything, the bane of my existence caught my attention. It was my stomach.

And to sooth a growling stomach required a delicious meal. Steamed ricd with a side of vegetable curry. I bit my lip, thinking of the flavors exploding in my mouth. So, I followed my stomach to the only restaurant that sells curry, Diachi's Curry.


"Aiko. Diachi. One curry, please."

"Dāku-kun! Welcome back. We already have one on the way. One moment."

I sat and waited for my food, the smell making me salivate. While waiting, I felt a familiar chakra but waited for them to speak. It was more dramatic that way.

"Dāku... I thought I told you to stay away from my district. Yet here you are."

"Diachi. Hold that curry until I get back."

I cracked my neck and hopped out my seat, walking past the prick who ruined my meal. His name was Hiroto Kiyoshi and he believed himself to be leader of a gang. He always bothered me whenever I came to eat. It was annoying.

"You gonna pay for trying to steal my girl!"

Yep. Hiroto had walked in on me catching his wife after she fell. From his point of view, I guess it looked weird but I'm only fifteen. And I definitely don't want someone's wife. Plus she looked like a circus was hosted on her face.


Hiroto smirked as multiple people walked out from alleyways and from around corners. A yawn accidently left my mouth making Hiroto think I was blowing him off. But one of my rules is no never underestimate anyone, no matter who they are.

But due to my yawn, Hiroto ordered his men to charge. I thought of a way to make the Hiroto leave me alone for good. Before any of the thugs could move, I activated my sharingan and casted a genjutsu on Hiroto. And without Hiroto having enough chakra to be a shinobi, it would be like telling a child the Kyuubi would get them if they misbehaved.

In the genjutsu, Hiroto was watching me morph into the nine tails and attack his group. In reality, I was using the distraction of Hiroto's screams to take down his friends. It was simple until I got blind-sided by a wind bullet. I tumbled a couple of feet away before fixing myself into a slide.

"I never fought an Uchiha! This is gonna be fun. And killing this brat will be a great thing on my résumé for Gato."

I looked up at the voice to see someone unfamiliar to me. He had weird tattoos on his chest and his hair was in puffs. He held a katana in his hand which meant he must know how to use one.

I squatted low to the ground and summoned a clone. The clone would watch my back as I fought to make sure no one blindsided me again. I carefully watched the man as I slowed my breathing.

"Who are you?"

"Waraji. And I hop-"

I cut Waraji off when I placed a small cut over his eyebrow. Sadly, he jumped back before I could get in a good strike. He yelled some vulgar words at me which escalated when I smiled.

'Keep getting angry. When you're angry, you make mistakes. Especially, when you're a swordsman.'

Waraji ran at me moving his sword to what appeared to be an overhead strike. I waited for the moment he dropped the sword and moved to the side. Placing my foot on the blade, it sunk into the ground.

I landed multiple punches on his stomach but he jumped back, leaving his sword under my foot. I continued to watch him for his next attack. He would most likely move to get his sword back.

And he did. Waraji ran at me with a fist drawn back. I frowned at him for underestimating me. Again, I waited for his attack and sidestepped it. He looked at me with hate filled eyes. So I took one.

Waraji held his right eye and wretched on the floor in pain. I looked to find the eye between my finger tips. He would learn to never cast aside threats no matter how young. Handing him his sword, Waraji pointed it at me.

"You bastard. You stole my eye! I'll kill you the next time I see you! You just wait."

I bowed to him and by the time I looked back, he was running away. I looked back over to my clone who had busied himself by tying the gang up. I canceled the genjutsu and the clone once he was finished.

"Dāku! Your curry?!"

"Sorry, Aiko. I'm gonna be late if I stay. Save it for me."

I bowed apologetically to Aiko and Diachi. They always catered to me so I have to find a way to pay them back. Raising my finger, I cast the lightning jutsu from last night. Writing a note explaining the gang, I jumped away towards the gate.


I arrived at the gate to find Team Minato preparing to leave. I landed a few feet away and walked up to them. Kushina had also came to see them off along with her usual lunches.

"Afternoon, Minato-san. Kushina-chan. Kakashi-san. Rin-chan. Obito."

I walked up to Obito and placed my forehead on his. We looked each other in the eyes as if sending a hidden message. I activated my Sharingan but Obito just closed his eyes. He hadn't unlocked it yet.

"Stay safe out there and never forget..."

"Those who abandon the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse. I'll never forget that Dāku."

Obito grinned at me which I returned with a small smile. He walked over to Kushina and they held their own private moment. I smiled softly and watched the Team disappear over the horizon. Kushina turned to me with a concerned expression.

"I worry something bad is going to happen. I hope your mission is a success."

I bowed and walked into the shadows of the wall. Sinking into it, I trailed after Minato's team. I wouldn't have to worry about being attack because Minato could recognize my chakra. Once they reached at certain point, Minato teleported away.

'Now, it's my turn to protect these students.'

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