No one's born equal

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If you were expecting some sort of dead family or me saving someone to create a reason to become a hero then sorry to disappoint you but this start isn't "heroic" in any way.

I was unfortunately born even lower then the one percent, yes I "had" a quirk but it never showed so they said I had some sort of unawakened quirk, even though I was technically quirkless I still lived my life even better then most with no worry's and tons of friends. What went wrong? I'll tell you!

I was heading home like any other day with my parents, my sister and my twin brother, I'll get to them later but for now back to what happened. It all happened so suddenly really, a gunshot, screams and shouts as everything faded to black.

That brings us to now where I awaken to alarms and water being spewed from my mouth. I raise my head to look around at a room full of huge cylindrical glass tanks with only one with a person in it... My brother, covered in wires and pipes before I rushed to break him out, I didn't know where we was but the alarm was usually a bad sign.

I smashed the tank with a metal pipe nearby and my brother went from hopelessly floating in the tube the collapsing like a domino before I caught him. I went to ask him if he was OK but nothing happened, not a sound came out my mouth so instead I slapped his face lightly and he jolted forward gaging out the water over the two inch thick glass I shattered like thin ice. That's not right I thought with a stressful huff before waving a hand in front of my brothers face and he looked up with tired eyes.

"Red? Thank god you're OK..." I barely recognised my own name and only just felt him hug me, sobbing into my shoulder. What had got him so upset? How long has it been? What's up with my senses? These thoughts rushed through my head as I picked my brother up and carried him on my back. He's clearly to weak to even stand on his own, while I feel like I could pick a truck up... That thought faded as I kicked a door down with ease, even my brother noticed my improved strength from that.

"What on earth did they do to you?" He whispered sadly holding me tighter but still very weak. I shrugged as I ran through seemingly endless corridors before finding a room full of people in lab coats then it all came back at once... The testing, the needles, the pain and the horrid memory of being bound to cold steel table and cut open while awake. Every thing seemed to tint red as the only thing that came to mind was to make them pay!

"Red? What are you doing?" My brother asked as I put him down and stared at everyone in the room, insanity burning from my eyes before I walked in closing the door behind me leaving my brother on the other side.

"Its the subjects from the Jackalhime project! Take them out!" One of them ordered before pulling out a taser. I shot forward at insane speeds and kicked them in the chest in a dropkick sending them into a wall, unconscious. I spun into another kick hitting another, unconscious. The last one punched me in the back, I turned to him with bloodlust in my eyes as I grabbed his arm and kicked off from his chest and shoulder, completely tearing his arm off as he screamed in pain before I beat his head in with it. Still not satisfied I woke another up before tearing his leg off then took the taser and rammed it into his eye and I broke his neck. The last I woke up by kicking him in the chest and felt his ribs break before I grabbed him by his hair and slammed his head into the wall until it wasn't recognisable anymore then swung him around spattering blood across the already bloody room before leaving with an insane smile.

My brother was waiting next to the door shaking in fear but on his feet, his shaking worsened when he saw blood everywhere on me.
"Good you can walk time to get going Jackal." This clearly struck a nerve with him as he struck his arm back into a steel wall, denting it.

"Its Jack. Don't let your mind slip Red." He begged a worried expression plaguing his face.

"I'm fine! Just showing them how you treat people how you want to treated!" I smiled happily before skipping into another room. This room was full of the same people but they was tied up. "Nice, got em wrapped up with a nice bow to!" I joked.

"Reds broken free! RUN!" One of the people cried out to anyone unbound.

"Aww, what happened to Redenhime you little!" I grunted as I kicked his head hard enough to break his neck spurting more blood on me. I suddenly found myself held down by someone in black.

"Hey! Could you at least let me move a little? Laying on a bunch of wires isn't very comfortable!" I squirmed at the wires digging into my chest before throwing the person off me to move towards a vending machine. "You don't happen to have some change on you do you? I swear I'll pay you back!" I asked staring at the captured pack of sweets I so desperately wanted. I then bent down to try and grab it from the bottom narrowly avoiding a jumping kick as they shattered the glass. "Thanks!" I grinned to them taking everything I could carry before walking over to a table and dumping them on. "You want any?" I asked tearing open a packet tripping backwards a little again avoiding an attack from some sort of ribbon that hit a coke vendor breaking off the door, cans rolling across the floor. "This day just keeps getting better and better! Names Red! Yours?" I asked politely extending a hand to the man in a black outfit, scarf and goggles.

"Eraserhead..." He muttered still keeping his distance.

Jack came up behind him and waved at him when he turned and then ran to me. "Who's that?"

"That's Eraserhead he's super cool! Got me all this good stuff!" I grinned as I dug into my buffet. "You wouldn't know where the exit is would you? Or a new set of clothes, these are covered in paint or somethin'." I tried to wipe my self down but failed.

"Do you not remember what happened!?" Jack shouted in shock and fear.

"...Raspberry's?" I shrugged emptying another pack.

"OK... He needs a hospital, like now..." I heard Jack whisper to Eraserhead and I scoffed.

"I'm fine Jack just a little... Forgetful!" I reasoned continuing to eat.

"You wouldn't be part of the Yuukit family would you?" I heard a feminine voice ask to Jack.

"Umm, yes, could we leave as soon as possible though?" Jack asked looking to me in worry.

"Ahh, yes four years in a lab would make you want to leave huh?" I heard another voice joke loudly.

"Four years is way over reacting! I was walking home from school less then an hour ago!" I shouted back.

"Seriously he needs a hospital now." Jack deadpanned.

Quirkless but not worthlessWhere stories live. Discover now