What If? Book the Fifth

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Hey... so NBQueen here... Yeah. The last chapter was a little intense. I apologize. While I will not rewrite it because I think it's good, from now on there might actually be some 'good' what if's. Like this one maybe.

Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire hated Prufrock Prep. Sunny simply would not staple another stack of paper. Klaus has refused to measure another object. Violet has decided to boycott memorizing stories. And all three children are sick and tired of Olaf's running program, S.O.R.E. So one night, they decided to run away. They snuck out of the Orphan Shack and tiptoed down the halls.

"Wait!" A voice in the shadows demanded.

Klaus hugged Sunny close to his chest. Violet put a protective arm around Klaus. However, instead of Olaf coming out of the shadows to whisk them away, or one of the members of his theater troupe, the children saw Isadora and Duncan Quagmire.

"Isadora!" Klaus said, relieved, while Violet cried, "Duncan!"

The five children embraced.

"Where are you two going?" Violet asked Isadora.

"This horrid school we can't abide, so therefore we will run and hide." Isadora recited. "I know it's a little cowardly, but-"

"It's not cowardly," Violet assured her. "We're running too. The adults can't protect us from Olaf. We're going to protect ourselves."

"Come with us," Duncan said. "We can run together."

Violet nodded. "Do you have supplies?"

"Yes. We got fruit from our dormitory." Duncan replied.

"There's nothing in the Orphan's Shack for us," Klaus remarked.

"Well, we won't need that anymore," Isadora said.

"Dolmacet!" Sunny shrieked.

"You're right, Sunny," Klaus said to his sister. "We're finally getting out of here."

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