Chapter Nine Part I

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A/N: Please don't kill me for the really long wait.

6 days until the wedding.
Reader's POV:

We played in the snow. My wounds were feeling better today. I was finishing up a snow angel when Zaira came up to me.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play." She said, then took my hand and led me to a big pile of snow.
(A/N: I'm sorry I had to😂😂)

We rolled the snow into spheres, then placed them on top of each other. Zaira found two twigs and used them as arms, placing one in each side of the middle sphere. I found pebbles and made a face and buttons with them.

'I'm gonna get a carrot for his nose, and some clothes for him." Zaira said, then ran into the house.

She came back out with Bill and Grace on her shoulders, a carrot, a scarf, and a top hat. She placed them on the snowman and placed Bill and Grace on the ground.

"What are we gonna name him, princess?" I asked her.

She thought for a little while.

"How about....Dave?" She pondered, and I nodded.

"That's a perfect name, kiddo." I replied.

I spotted Simon, who was helping my two make a fort, then made a snowball.

I smirked, and threw it at his back. He turned around, brows furrowed in confusion, then spotted me. He smirked deviously, and made a snowball. My eyes widened in panic, and I ran away from him. I ran to the backyard, and hid in a bush. Surprisingly Simon didn't see me when he ran past. I found a bucket and filled it with snowballs, then ran into the forest. I found a big tree that had a hollow trunk that had a metre or two of space, then surrounded by tightly packed trees, making it hard for anyone to get in. I made a fort around the hollow tree, and sat my snowballs in the hollow. I walked back to the house and made myself a cup of tea then drank it.

Zaira came in, along with Ophelia and Tatiana. Zaira had Bill and Grace on her shoulders, dressed in the egg winter clothing that I made for them.

"Hello, Nanny Johnson. The boys and Papa have declared a war on us. Can we team up with you?" Tatiana asked.

"Sure." I stated.

"Do you even have a fort?" Ophelia questioned.

"Yes, about 1 and a half kilometres into the forest, but we'll have to expand the fort, and get more ammo." I replied.

The girls nodded. I grabbed my staff, then we went to the fort.

"Zaira, Charlotte, and Ophelia, I've seen your pillow forts and you two know how to build, so you expand the fort. Tati, Endi, and I will get ammo, shields, armour, etc." I declared, and the girls nodded, then got to work.

Tatiana, Endi, and I ran into the kitchen, and saw Simon and Thomas come in through the front door.

"(Y/N)." Simon said with a nod.

"Simon." I nodded in reply.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Getting armour. Yourself?" I questioned.

"Also getting armour." He said, as Thomas began inching towards the kitchen.

I nudged Tatiana and she grabbed Endi's arm and ran into the kitchen, me following the pair. We slammed shut and locked the door to the kitchen as Simon and Thomas were about to run in. We heard their bodies hit the door as we grabbed everything we could find.

"Clean 'em up after youse use 'em." Cook Emma grumbled as she finished peeling potatoes.

"And just so you know I don't take sides in these wars, but the boys' fort is in the forest in the clearing a 3 kilometres in. But you could make an attack from any direction though." Cook whispered, as to not let the boys hear you that she was helping us.

I smiled at her.

"Thank you Cook." I praised as Tati, Endi I went back through the window with our armour.

We ran back to the fort and gave the girls some armour. They thanked us. I helped the girls put their armour on. I looked around the fort. The girls did an impressive job of expanding it.

"The fort looks amazing, girls." I stated.

The girls smiled and took the praise.

"Now. Cook has given us some information about the boys' fort. The boys' fort is her in the forest. But you could make an attack from any direction." Tatiana said.

The girls nodded, then turned to Zaira.

"Zaira, Colin's taught you most of his tactics for war, so you should make up a plan for when we attack the boys." Ophelia declared.

Zaria nodded.

"I need paper to plan this on. Did you get paper, pencils, and erasers?" Zaira asked.

Tatiana and I shook our heads no.

"Tatty Mouse, Charlotte, and I will go get them now." Ophelia said, grabbing Tatiana's arm and pulling her along.

"And I'll look for the boys' fort." I stated.

"I'll go with Nanny Johnson, and start thinking of plans on the way back." Zaira added as we nodded.

"I'll stay put and guard the fort." Endi said, and we nodded.

We left the fort, and I spotted Dave the snowman. I slammed my staff on the ground, and Dave came to life.

"Hi." He shyly said.

"It's alive!" Bill shrieked.

I jumped, I forgot that the eggs were still on Zaira's shoulders.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. So what? At least I'm not 5 centimetres tall!" Dave sassed.

"Hush." Grace snapped, silencing the both of them.

"We're gonna go look for the boys' fort,  David. Would you like to come for a walk?" I asked, and Dave nodded.

We kept on walking in silence, the only sounds were birds and and the snow crunching under or boots.

I heard Liam laughing. Zaira stopped walking, and put her arm out, a signal for Dave and I to stop walking too.

"Step lightly and keep schtum." She whispered as we crept to the tree line.

"I'll walk around the tree line and scope out the fort, and look for ways we can collapse it and beat them." I said, and Zaira nodded.

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