Chapter Nine Part II

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6 days until the wedding.
Reader's POV:

I tiptoed around the tree line, and made mental notes.

- They had too much space between their fort and the tree line, you could make an attack from any direction.

- They had only one entry point. They could get trapped in their fort.

- The fort had no walls around it to protect it from incoming attacks, no nothing.

The fort was built really crappily. I bet even Bill and Grace could collapse it. Once I did a 360 of the fort I ended up back next to Zaira and we went back to our fort.

Tatiana, Endi and Ophelia gave Zaira the paper and pencils they got from the play room.

"What did you find out about the fort, Mama?" Charlotte questioned.

"The fort has no walls around it to protect it. They had too much space between the tree line and their fort. You could make an attack from any direction, as the fort was built really crappily." I stated, and Zaira nodded, then started planning out on the pieces of paper.

Tatiana and Charlotte passed out fruit, pastries, and water. We all thanked them, then ate our food.

"We are gonna win this war." Ophelia stated as she bit into an apple she bought back from the kitchen.

I suddenly realised that I didn't know how to win this war.

"How do you win this war?" I asked, feeling stupid that I didn't know.

"We have to destroy the other team's fort, and bring their token back to our fort." Tatiana answered.

I nodded, then looked up at our token. It was a dark purple ribbon.

"We aren't just gonna leave our token there, are we?" I asked incredulously.

"I guess so..." Ophelia replied.

"Unless you have a different idea?" Zaira asked.

I nodded, then took the ribbon, and did a fishtail in my hair, tying it off with the ribbon, making sure that you could see it.

"Done. Here's the plan. I have two back up plans in case those don't work. Okay?" Zaira said.

Tati, Charlotte, Endi, Ophelia, and I nodded.

"Okay." We replied in unison.

"So, Tatiana, Charlotte, and Dave, you'll run past the boys' fort and lead them off somewhere. Not back here, of course, in case they realise that Nanny Johnson has our token. Then, Ophelia, Endi, and I will collapse their fort, and run back to our fort, watching out in case the boys see us. Nanny Johnson, you look for their token." Zaira stated, and I nodded.

"Let's go." Zaira said, and we nodded.

"Wait. What is the boys' token?" I asked.

"It's a red ribbon." Ophelia replied.

I nodded.
"Okay. And if I know Simon, I know that he'll have the token on his body too, because having it in the fort isn't very smart." I stated, and the girls nodded.

We walked to the tree line surrounding the boys' fort and waited for Zaira's cue. Zaira nodded.

"Go." She spoke, then Dave and Tatiana ran past the boys' fort.

Colin, Thomas, and Liam chased her. Simon wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Ophelia and Zaira collapsed their fort and ran back to ours. I still had an odd feeling about Simon's whereabouts. I hid up in a tree and waited for Simon to return. I was watching down on the ground when I heard a noise above me. I looked up. Simon was there. I was going to climb up, but I stopped myself. I scanned his body for a sign of a red ribbon.

There was something red on his shoes. His shoelaces. But one of them didn't have an aglet. I looked closer. It was the ribbon! I climbed down the tree and ran off in a random direction. I heard his footsteps behind me. I ran a little faster and a little further than hid behind a tree. His footsteps slowed down, then stopped.

"(Y/N)?" He yelled.

He was really close. I stepped out of my hiding spot.

He smirked and I nodded, gesturing down to his left shoe.

"Smart lad." I said.

"Thanks." He said, scanning my body for the ribbon.

He stared at my braid, "I see we both had the same idea."

"Great minds think alike." He replied with a smirk, then lunged at me.

I quickly jumped to the side, then sat on his back and grabbed his leg so he couldn't get up, then grabbed the ribbon from his shoe and ran back to the girls' fort.

"Girls! Girls! I've got the boys' token!" I yelled as I ran into the fort.

The girls cheered. Simon ran into the fort, and gave me a mock glare. The boys were sitting around the fort.

"We won!" Zaira exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air.

"What are we gonna do now?" Colin asked.

"Let's go ice-skating!" Thomas shouted, and ran out of the fort.

The older ones cheered, grabbed their ice skates, and ran out of the fort.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you've won. I admire that, Mrs Brown." Simon said, making me blush.

I noticed that Zaira didn't have a pair of ice skates, so I slammed my staff, making a pair appear in front of her. She gasped and thanked me.

"I'm going to go and find all of the others." Zaira stated, and ran off.

"Be careful." I yelled out to her.

"I will, Mama!" She yelled back absentmindedly, making me freeze.

Simon pulled me into a hug.

"Just think about it. In six days, you'll officially be Mrs. Brown." He declared, although it was muffled by my hair.

I hummed in reply, and heard a scream. Simon and I looked at each other, and ran in the direction Zaira ran in. We heard another scream and ran towards that.

I gasped. The kids were standing on a lake that was frozen over, and it was starting to crack. Tatiana spotted me.

"Walk slowly over to the edge!" I yelled, as the ice cracked a little more.

"Be brave!" I added, as Colin started walking over to the edge.

He made it off the ice, and Simon hugged him. Tatiana was next, followed by Ophelia, and Liam. Thomas, Endi, Charlotte and Zaira were still on the ice, not moving.

"Only a few steps, Zaira, and you'll be off the ice. Go on, Zee-Bee. I'll be right behind you." Thomas encouraged, and Zaira nodded, them shakily walked off the ice.

"Your turn now Char, and be careful. Thomas and I will be right behind you." Endi said soothingly, and Charlotte walked off the ice.

Simon hugged her once she was off the ice, and she came running over to me.

The ice cracked more.

"Go." Thomas told Endi.

"It's worse near you, you go." Endi replied, "Now's not the time for chivalry, Thomas. I'll be right behind you, so go."

Thomas nodded, and stepped carefully, and eventually made it off the ice.

Endi quickly came over to us. 

"C'Mon, lets go back to the house." I stated as I picked up Zaira and held her on my hip.

Simon had Charlotte on his hip.
Zaira pulled the ribbon out of my hair, and started playing with it. Once we got back we had lunch and played board games. The rest of the day flew by.

"Lesson Seven: To Be Brave, is complete." I told Simon as we got ready for bed.

He hummed in reply and hugged me as I fell asleep beside him.

A/N: Sorry for the crappy Chapter I had nothing 😂😂😂

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