Chapter Eleven.

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4 days until the wedding.
Reader's POV:

I woke up to the sounds of Zaira telling everyone how pretty the dresses were. I got up and walked over to the door.

"And Nanny Johnson looked so wonderful." She babbled as I poked my head out into the doorway.

"Oh! Good morning Nanny Johnson." Tatiana said, surprised that I was there. I gave her a smile.

"Good morning Tatiana, Endellion, Thomas, Liam, Colin, Ophelia, Charlotte, and Zaira." I replied, and they smiled.

They were all still in their pyjamas.

"I've got to go and get ready for the day. I'll be back in a little bit." I stated as I went back into the room and got my clothes then had a shower.

Simon was still asleep when I got out so I woke him up.

"Simon, dear. You need to get up." I whispered as I shook his shoulder.

He just groaned in reply. Liam and Zaira came in and hopped into bed with us. The rest of the kids came in and sat on the furniture around the room.

"Kids, can you tell you Papa to go and have a shower?" I asked.

Liam, who was snuggled into Simon's side screwed up his nose.

"Papa, go have a shower. You stink." Liam said, making Simon open his eyes and looked at his son, then sniffed his own underarm with a furrowed brow.

Simon rolled his eyes.

"Lee, I do not stink. But I'll go and have a shower anyway because I know you'll be annoying me about me smelling." Simon said as he grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Liam then snuggled into me.

"You kids do know that I'll be teaching you a lesson today, don't you?" I questioned the pair that were snuggled into my sides.

They groaned in response.

"C'Mon, get up and go get ready." I ushered the pair as I got up out of the bed.

Zaira slid out of the bed, followed by Liam.

"We'll all be back in a few." Thomas said as all of the kids walked out of the room.

"Okay!" I replied as Simon came out of the bathroom.

"What lesson is it gonna be today love?" He asked as I ruffled his gelled up hair, making him whine.

"To have faith." I stated confidently as we walked down into the dining room.

Cook Emma and Belle were playing cards.

"Girls, the pair of you can have the rest of the days off until the wedding." Simon stated, then Emma and Belle looked at each other shrugged, then nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Brown." The girls replied in unison.

"Bye Mrs. Brown!" Belle yelled back over her shoulder as she walked out of the house.

"Mrs. Brown. I don't think I'll get used to that anytime soon." I said as the kids came down the stairs.

"Well you should, because you're getting married to our Papa, and that makes you his wife, Mrs. Brown." Thomas stated, putting emphasis on the 'Mrs. Brown' bit, making me chuckle.

Simon started making pancakes.

"Who wants chocolate pancakes?" He asked, then Zaira, Endi, and Liam raised their hands, followed by me.

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