Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/N) and I were in a carriage heading back home after a bit of time away. We couldn't have a proper honeymoon just yet, as Christmas was right around the corner.

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and rubbed it with my thumb, making her smile softly.

"Father and Evangeline are coming out today." I informed her, "And they're bringing Miranda."

She nodded, "I reminded Belle and Cook Emma to set up the extra beds before we left."

We entered our town, Dunthwaite. I directed the carriage driver to Kylie and Wilfred's house. We were storing our presents there until Christmas. Our kids would most likely find them if we kept them at home.

I grinned stupidly. Our kids. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that (Y/N) and I were married. That she was my wife. My wife. (Y/N) Brown. I did quite like the sound of that.

"Simon, what are you smiling at?" (Y/N) questioned as our carriage came to a stop at the front of Wilfred and Kylie's.

I shook my head with a smile as we got out, "Nothing, love."

"Are you sure, Mr. Brown?" You teased as Kylie and Wilfred came outside.

"I'm sure, Mrs. Brown." I replied with a wink as we all started carrying the presents inside.

"How was the honeymoon?" Kylie asked as we put the presents in their gardening shed.

"Very busy." I answered with a smirk and a wink thrown (Y/N)'s way.

"Simon!" She squealed embarrassedly, making me laugh.

We finished hiding the presents, then (Y/N) and I went home. To our house, with our kids. I started smiling again.

"Simon, darling, I'm saying this because I love you – I think you need help."


Thomas' Aunt, Miranda, was enacting a story for us to entertain us – we all had parts to play, too – I was the main character's best friend.

Miranda was quite nice, she did the girls' hair today, and I had mine in twin braids.

She was only a couple years older than us, turning fifteen in a few months. She, Nana Evangeline, and Grandpapa Cedric arrived about an hour ago.

"They're home!" I said excitedly, looking out the playroom window.

Mama and Mr. Brown – Papa now, got out of the carriage.

"They're just in time for lunch." Colin stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, let's go get ready for lunch then. Come on you lot, let's clean up!" Lucas prompted us all.

He was staying here for Christmas and New Years, which was fun – He got to get acquainted with my new siblings.

We quickly cleaned the playroom, washed our hands, then went downstairs. Lucas, Tatiana, Thomas, Miranda, and I stood at the entryway to the kitchen while everyone else sat at the table.

I knocked, making Cook Emma look at me, "Do you need anything done, Cook?"

"What's the catch?" She questioned suspiciously, making me giggle.

"There's no catch," I reassured.

"Alright then – Boys, go take the plates and cutlery and set the table, and you girls can carry the food out." Cook commanded lightly.

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