Chapter Twelve

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I woke up when a big crash came from downstairs. I flew up out of bed and downstairs. The children were in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. We were at Kylie and Wilfred's house, as today was the day of the wedding. I was meant to be the only one staying here, but the children wanted to follow me.

Thomas was scrambling eggs, Endi and Zaira were making toast, Charlotte and Colin were frying bacon, and Ophelia and Liam were putting muffins onto a cooling rack, and Tatiana was skilfully plating it all up.

Mama was standing there watching them all.

"Good morning." Mama greeted.

"Good Morning Mama, and to you kids as well." I replied with a nod.

The children all replied with their greetings.

"Your bridesmaids should be over soon." Mama stated as she flicked her hand, keeping the stool Zaira was on steady as Zaira stood precariously on it.

I nodded as Wilfred and Kylie came downstairs.

The children soon finished, and went and set the table.

"Breakfast is ready." Char and Zaira said in unison, then burst into a fit of giggles.

Us adults thanked the children, then went and sat at the table. I grabbed a slice of bacon and nibbled on it.

Thomas side-eyed me then placed another slice of bacon, a piece of tomato, a slice of toast and a muffin onto my plate.

"You're to eat all of it." He commanded lightly, "That way, if you get sick you have something to bring up."

I smiled and nodded, and ate it all slowly.

"I'll clean everything up." Wilfred stated when we finished the breakfast.

"We'll get the children ready." I said as Kylie and I stood up from our seats.

Wilfred nodded as he gathered all of the empty plates and cups, Mama now helping him.

"Eldest first, Endi, go get into the en-suite, Thomas, you're in the main bathroom." Kylie told the children.

I gave the pair their outfits, then they went off and had quick showers.

There was a knock on the door and Mama went over and opened it. Tora, Lily, Victoria, and Chrissy came in. Lucas came in a bit after them, followed by Vincent.

Lucas came over and hugged me.

"I've missed you." He mumbled into my body, then pulled away from the hug.

"She visited you last week." Vincent pointed out.

"Oh, Father, hush." Lucas grumbled.

Charlotte came over and hugged Lucas, Lucas picking her up with ease and spinning around.

Once he put her down, Tatiana came over.

"Who are you?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'm Lucas Whittaker. I'm (Y/N)'s nephew. Who are you?" He replied, eyeing her suspiciously.

"I'm Tatiana Blacke, (Y/N)'s soon-to-be stepdaughter." Tatiana introduced herself, then turned around, "Come over and introduce yourself, you lot."

The Blacke-Brown children, minus Thomas, came over and introduced themselves.

"Well, then. I better be off. See you soon, sister." Vincent said with a nod.

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