Chapter Ten.

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A/N: I don't know what shopping for suits and dresses are like bear with me here guys 😂😂😂

5 days until the wedding.
Reader's POV:

"Love. Love, wake up." Simon shook me slightly.

I groaned. I didn't want to get up, but I felt a small body jump into me. I left out an 'oof' as another body landed on top of that one.

"Nanny Johnson, Nanny Johnson, get up! We have to go shopping for dresses and tuxes today, remember?" Zaira said as I opened my eyes.

"Yes Mama, hurry up and get up pleeease we want to get going!" Char exclaimed, making her and Zaira giggle.

I groaned again, and got up.

"I'm up, darlings. Now have you had a shower and breakfast?" I asked.

"We've all had a shower, but we haven't had breakfast, Cook Emma is cooking it now. So you can have a shower while it's being cooked." Char stated, and I nodded.

"Alright, darlings. I'll get ready now, so you can go downstairs and we can all leave after we have breakfast. Sounds good?" I asked, and they nodded.

"Yep." They replied in unison.

"And look, Tatiana did Char's fishtails today as well as mine. Don't they look wonderful?"  Zaira asked as she and Char spun around.

I giggled and nodded, then they hugged me and ran out of the room.

"Can I join you in the shower love? Y'know, to save water." Simon asked as I was getting my clothes ready.

I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I snickered.

"Not a chance, Brown. At least, not until the honeymoon." I replied as I walked into the bathroom.

I sent him a wink as I closed the door.

As I turned on the shower, I could hear him mutter, "Cheeky girl."


"Cook, when will the breakfast be ready?" I asked as I peered at her from the other side of the kitchen island. Charlotte, or Char as we now call her, was standing next to me.

We could only just see over it.

"That's the tenth time you've asked me in the last ten minutes! Now, get out of the kitchen! Scram!" Cook Emma barked as she shooed us out of the kitchen.

I huffed and sat down on the couch, Char following me.

"Zee-Bee, what's wrong?" Ophelia asked.

"Breakfast isn't ready yet and I wanna have breakfast now so all we have to do is wait for Nanny Johnson." I replied.

"Zee-Bee, we would still have to wait for Nanny Johnson because she has breakfast with us. And wasn't she 'Mama' to you yesterday?" Tatiana asked from her position at the coffee table where she was playing Go Fish with Ophelia and Endi.

"Yes but today is a new day." I said as Thomas came down the stairs with two wooden swords.

He threw one to me, and we started play fighting with the swords.

Char went over and sat next to Endi, just watching the game.

Colin came downstairs, followed by Liam. The pair started playing cards with the girls. Nanny Johnson and Papa came downstairs finally! We all sat at the table as Cook brought out breakfast. We thanked Cook as she sat down at the table next to Belle. Once we all ate breakfast Cook Emma and Belle cleared our plates and we went and got into the carriage. The boys had a separate carriage to go in. Aunt Kylie was in our carriage, and an older woman.

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