Hangover (Chapter 6)

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Ash's POV

When I woke up, I was back on my bed. The lights were off, but the blinds were down because it was morning. Emma was gone. I stepped out of bed and went to my dresser for Arah.

The sword was gone.

That's right! I thought. I was out last night with Karly and Turbo which means-oh crap.

I sprinted out of my room into the empty halls. Classes were in session. But I saw the principals door close. I slid over to the door and watched.

Karly and Principal Mario stood with their backs turned away. I could still here them though.

"The four swords are all that we need to open the portal. Once it is open, I can take over both the human and video game worlds!"Mario let out an evil cackle.

Ash, you've gone insane, I thought. You are totally in hangover.

The principal slowly turned around."The four swords have been taken by Jayden, Carlos, Gannon, and Ash. We have Ash's-"he turned around to where I could see what was in his hand.

It was Arah.

He has Arah! I thought frantically.

What could I do? There was no way I could take down both people. Especially after Karly obtained her powers. Somehow I had to get it back.

"We're 1/4 done with the portal,"he shook hands with Karly."Thank you. Your group has done good."

Cough, cough, BAD!

The bells rang and students came flooding out of the classrooms to their lockers. I spotted Gannon through the crowd and I ran up to him.

"Woah! Ash, you're supposed to be in bed!"he said."When we found you out on the front lawn we thought you were dead!"

I looked around."Can I speak to you...privately?"


"What?"Jay said sternly."Lunch is almost over."

I looked around."I overheard Principal Mario and Karly in the library today. Their going to take our swords so thru can rule the human world!"

Carlos let out a laugh."You're kidding. There's no such 'portal'. You've gone insane."

"I heard dogs have pennies for brains anyways,"Gannon said, elbowing me.

I swished my tail under me."Shut up. It runs like that in Aurora."

"It's probably just blood lose or something,"Jay sighed."When we found you, you were all cut up and we had to have a healer come in. Lavender, one if the pokemon trainers, tried to stuff you into a pokeball and heal you with a healing station."

"That's why my butt hurts so much..."

"But what happened there anyways?"Carlos asked.

"Turbo had invited me out there and told me to bring my sword. When we got there, Karly-"

"YOU WHAT?!"they exploded.

I sighed."Karly handed me some kind of drink and I took a sip. That's when everything went black."

"You drank alcohol?"Jay said."That can get you kicked off campus!"

"It wasn't alcohol. It was bittersweet and tasted nothing like it."

"How do you know?"Gannon said slowly.

"My parents never took good care of me."

We shared a laugh.

"I'm just glad you're okay,"Jay hugged me.

"I'm just glad you're alive,"Carlos said."They're dangerous characters."

We shared a group hug."Thanks guys."

But was I going to stay alive?

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