People Are Sick (Chapter 10)

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Ash's POV

The next morning I awoke to the most gruesome sound. The one that no one wants to be around. The one that will leave you hiding from humanity for a week or two.


Just, every room. Somehow I wasn't sick. Jay looked over at me. She rolled her tongue out.

"That's disgusting!"she said.

"Where do think it's coming from?"I asked."Outside the door?"

Jay slowly opened it. We peered out the door. Gannon and Carlos were also out. We met eye contact.

" this?"I asked Gannon.

He shrugged."No freaking idea. But this is disgusting."

"What could've caused it?"

Jay rolled her eyes."Obviously some kind of virus."

"The Virus,"I sputtered.

"The what?"they asked.

"It's...something,"I muttered."We'll talk about it later. First, we gather up people that aren't sick. I'm gonna go try to find someone from a game with med-packs. You guys search the rooms!"

"Won't we get sick though?"Jay asked.

"That doesn't matter right now."

And I took off sprinting down the hallway.


"Kendall!"I messed with the door."Kendall!"

A groggy face answered the door."Yeah?"

"Listen,"I said quietly,"please tell me you have meds."

She squinted."Beds? Yeah. Doesn't everyone?"

"No, meds! Like medicine."

"Oh..."she leaned back on her pillow. No later than five seconds, she was snoring.

I poked her. She wouldn't budge. I rolled my eyes and began snooping around the room. There were med-kits in the drawers everywhere. I but my lip. What went on in here to have so many med-kits?

I ran back down take the hall. There were only about five to ten people. I looked at the twenty med-kits in my hands.

"Share them and use wisely."

A young girl looked up at me."Ash...what's happening?"

I leaned against the wall.



It all started long ago. Both worlds were simple and didn't interfere. Slowly humans began trying to get in. Some forms of technology couldn't handle and glitched, causing some people in the video game world to die. Or even worse, be deleted.

But one person in the video game world wanted to go to the human world. It started an outbreak and had most people deleted. Some people made it through the infestation.

But it has come back.


There faces were showing terror. Bewilderment. Horror. Fear.

"And some weapons open portals to the other world,"I said, looking down at my sword."Keep them close."

Carlos looked me straight in the eye."You weren't kidding were you? When you said they wanted to take the weapons."

"I lost my grandparents to this."

A tear ran down my face.

"And I'm not going to let it happen to my friends."

"Well, where do we start to end this virus?"

I clenched my teeth."That's something I haven't figured out yet."

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