Soup? (Chapter 18)

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((Multimedia: Ash))

Ash's POV

Gannon reached down his hand and pulled me up to the surface."We're looking for onions?"

"And a rabbit,"I said, searching the ground.

"How does that make soup?"

"Video game logic,"I rolled my eyes."Nintendo really needs to get their head in the game."

Gannon slightly gasped."You pray to those gods?"

I giggled."No. I pray to Steam."

He pulled me close."Steam. Almost everyone does."

Gannon's strong arm sent chills down my spine. He was so handsome. I didn't know why we weren't better friends, or even more then that. My tail flicked from side to side. He looked down at me, smiling.

Suddenly, a bush rattled behind us. Gannon took out his bow and lodged an arrow in. I took out my sword just in case. The rattling continued. We slowly walked towards the bush.

A rabbit sprung from the bush and took off full speed in the opposite direction. Gannon shot it but missed. I took off at full speed after it, sword swinging. Gannon jumped ahead of me.

"Get in the game!"he shouted and aimed at the rabbit again. It dodged.

I stopped for a second, knowing that I had a sprint bar and it was almost out. Gannon peered back at me. I beckoned him on and he chased the rabbit out if sight.

Realizing that I was all alone, a feeling of being watched crept over me. To distract myself, I searched the ground for onions. I picked up a small radish like thing and smiled.

"You're just an oddish, but you're cute,"I set him back down.

A tan thing among the blue-ish grass stood out. I walked over to it. This was definitely an onion. There were a few others lying around. I gathered them also.

Gannon ran towards me. I waved.

He held up a dead rabbit."I got it."

But as I stared into his eyes, something was off.

Like way off.

Like Ben Drowned off.


Sorry for shortness.

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