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I want to sincerely apologize for not updating this in so long. It's been a little over 2 months, a lots been going on in my life!! I feel like now I'm in a better spot mentally and can start writing again. I love all of u thank u for putting up w my headassery <33

"What kind of pizza do you want, babygirl?" Diego asked me while I was staring at the keyboard I had noticed across the room.

"Cheese is fine." I said, he walked into the kitchen and I assumed he was calling the pizza place to order dinner.

I walked over to the keyboard, sitting down at the stool in front of it, I placed my fingers on the pure white keys, tracing over them, before slightly pressing down, making a nice sound.

Recalling the piano lessons I'd give myself a few months before, I started to play one of my favorite songs.

"I remember you well, in the chelsea hotel." I started to sing along with the sound of the keys.

"You were talking so brave and so sweet"

~Diego's POV

"40 minutes? Okay, thanks." I said over the phone before hanging up.

I put my phone back into the pocket of jeans before walking back into the bedroom, halting when I see Rose sitting at the piano, singing.

"You were famous, your heart was a legend. You told me again, you preferred handsome men, but for me you would make an exception." She sang beautifully.

Quickly I pulled out my phone and opened the camera, pressing record before pointing it at her.

"And clenching your fist, for the ones like us, who are opressed by the figures of beauty. You fixed yourself, you said 'Well nevermind, we are ugly but we have the music' And then you got away, didn't you babe?" Her voice cracked at the end, and her hand went up to her eye, swiping a tear before starting again.

"You just turned your back on the crowd, when you got away I never once heard you say 'I need you, I don't need you, I need you, I don't need you, and all of that jivin' around."

She paused as if she had forgot the keys, replaced them on new ones and started again.

"I don't mean to suggest, that I loved you the best, I can't keep track of each fallen robin." She paused.

"I remember you well in the Chelsea hotel, That's all, my little darling, I don't even think of you that often."

She took her fingers off of the keys and sat them on her lap. I pressed the record button again, signaling for it to stop. I quickly posted it on instagram, captioned "My baby's voice is better than mine </3"

I pocketed my phone again and walked up to her, she snapped her attention towards me and blushed

"How long were you-"

"About half of the song, babygirl. I love your voice so much, it's so soothing." I said, she stood up and walked back over to the bed, I followed behind her.

"It's okay I guess, sorry, I just haven't played piano in so long, I missed it."

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Babygirl, it's okay."

I laid my hand on her arm but she whimpered and yanked it away, I gave her a concerned look and gently held her arm, bringing it back to me, there were red splotches on them as if she had been burned. How did I not notice this?

"Babygirl, what happened?! Are you okay?"

She pulled her arm away again, avoiding my questioning gaze. "The water was a little warm when I showered the other day, it's okay."

I sighed, I knew that wasn't the full case but I let it slide for the moment, I had hurt her so much and I wasn't going to pry more information out of her than she was comfortable with. Instead, I switched the subject.

"How was your week?" I asked.

"To be frank, other than crying over you, it was a nice, quiet week." She snipped.

I stayed quiet for a moment, before she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, slipped out, I'm sad."

"I know sweetheart." I said, rubbing my hand in circles on her back.

"I'm sleepy" she muttered.

"Here, I'll go to the kitchen and get us some drinks, okay? Change into your pjs." I said, smiling at her and getting up from the bed and heading into the kitchen.

I purposelly took a few extra minutes to get the sodas to let her get changed, and before I walked back into the room, the doorbell rang, Rose looked up from her suitcase, she sat on the floor in her pajamas, folding her clothes that she had just taken off and putting them into a bag.

"That must be the pizza guy" I said, setting down the drinks on the table.

Quickly I went to the door and exchanged 20$ for the pizza, "Keep the change, man" I said, smiling at him.

I then closed the door and brought it back to the bedroom, setting the box down on the bed. She was already sipping out of her coca cola bottle. She wore a white, thin silky nightdress that came down to her mid thigh.

"You look so adorable" I let out, hoping she'd respond well.

She smiled and pulled the pizza box towards her.

We spent the rest of the night eating pizza and watching silly movies on the TV. Just enjoying each others company. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her for the past week, her bright smile just lit up any room she was in. Her prescence radiated warmth.

I gazed at her while she closely watched the tv, I glanced up at it and noticed it was scream.

"You're gonna have nightmares tonight if you keep watching that, babygirl." I said, cracking a smile.

She shot a glare in my direction and pouted her lips.

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

She huffed playfully and turned back to the tv.

I scooted up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to the center of the bed and laying down. She turned over to face me and sighed contently and pushed her head up against my chest. Her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes.

"Diego?" She mumbled out sleepily

"Yeah sweetheart?"

"You made me feel so yellow tonight, please never make me feel gray again."

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