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"What?!" Hoseok stared wide eyed at Yoongi as he spun round in the studio swivel chair, Yoongi's face expressionless.

They were in their music class using the studio for a music project when Yoongi threw out the shocking sentence.

"I'm going english." Yoongi mumbled low as he pushed the mic away from his vision, his mouth in a tight line.

"Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my Yoongi!" Hoseok slapped Yoongi's arm and all Yoongi could do was give him a 'wtf' face.

"Shut up. I'm not yours. Stop being gay." Yoongi sunk down into the chair with a sigh. Hoseok watched him before raising an eyebrow. "The hell are you going english for? You barely go." He stared at the older before him. "Come on, ditch it and let's go to the arcade!" Hoseok grinned while nudging Yoongi's shoulder.

"I can't." Yoongi looked at him, seeing Hoseok stare at him in confusion. "Yoongi you always ditch-" "My mom." he interrupted Hoseok with a lie. Well it wasn't really much of a lie, but it still was one. He definately wasn't going to tell Hoseok that he was going just for Jimin's sake.

"Oh." Hoseok's expression changed. "Ahh. Poor Yoongi. He has to try and make his mom proud." He teased, making kissy faces. "Ow!" He cried out as Yoongi swiftly kicked him with his good leg.

"Fuck off." Yoongi glared as he grabbed his crutches and lifted himself up from the chair. Hoseok grinning as he grabbed his own backpack and Yoongi's. "Love you too. Come on you blank emo." Hoseok joked as they exited the studio together, making their way to the english department of the college.


"Oh for fucks sake." Yoongi mumbled in his seat as Jimin walked into the classroom, looking awkward as ever as he made his way past individual desks to sit in front of Yoongi.

The younger slowly turned his head round and greeted the older with a quick shy smile before turning back around.

For the rest of the lesson, Yoongi continuously stared at the back of Jimin's head, taking in every detail of the boy's fluffy bleached blonde hair down to the back of his baby blue t-shirt and his purple backpack. To Yoongi, the boy expressed himself through colours. He imagined if Jimin could really talk he would have been lively.

Maybe another Taehyung or Hoseok.

Yoongi shivered at the thought and dismissed it. It was a scary thought to imagine. 'No damn way'.

Before he even realised it, he was pulled out of his thoughts as the teacher called out his name loudly for the third time.

"Min Yoongi!" He called out. Yoongi stared up with a harsh glare making the teacher flinch slightly from the sudden look he got before clearing his throat. "Please explain the word 'Irony' and give an example."

Yoongi sighed out loud before rolling his eyes. "Irony..." he furrowed his brows together as he tried to recollect what the word meant. "Irony is... I think... Irony is when a meaning is... the opposite of its actual meaning?" He sighed again. "For example... the irony of a reply would be 'Wow! Marmite tastes good!' ...But it actually just tastes like ass."

"Min Yoongi! Not again!" The teacher rubbed his forehead slowly as the class giggled.

Even Jimin was showing signs of trying to hold back some silent giggles as he sat infront of Yoongi.


Yoongi ended up staying through the whole english lesson - which was a first. He wondered why on earth did he stay for Jimin. He could have been at the arcade with Hoseok, and the others probably if they had finished their classes.

Yoongi sighed as he limped his way down the corridor on his crutches, feeling like he can't be bothered to go to the arcade now. He just wanted to go home and be... alone.


Yoongi hated that word. Yoongi hated the feeling of being alone. As he limped down the corridor, the overwhelming feeling of loneliness was starting to consume his mind, everything around him becoming silent. His chest started to tighten as he felt the hidden depression start to creep out from within.

That was until he felt a hand tap his shoulder. His head suddenly whipped to the side and looked at the person next to him who had a soft shy smile on their face - Jimin.

Yoongi's chest untightened as he started to breathe out slowly with soft pants. Jimin looked at him with a worried expression before moving his hand away from the older's shoulder.

Yoongi realised he had stopped walking and was standing still. Did he unconsciously stop without knowing it?

As if reading Jimin's facial expression he reassured him with an "I'm fine" before starting to limp onwards. Jimin watched him walk before adjusting his backpack and quickly followed behind Yoongi in silence.


"Okay. I'm fucking off this way. Bye." Yoongi said bluntly before starting to hop off into the opposite direction once they got out the college grounds, leaving Jimin to stare wide eyed at the instant rude dismissal.

Jimin quickly rushed over and stood in front of Yoongi's path making the elder stop as he squinted at the boy.

"What." Yoongi said as Jimin quickly reached into his bag and pulled out a small white board with a pen, making Yoongi look at him with a puzzled expression as he began to write. "Really." He mumbled as Jimin started scribbling and held up the whiteboard with fancy writing.

' English tomorrow? :) '

"Fuck no." Yoongi frowned. Jimin quickly wiped and re-write again.

' Please? :( '

"No." He said in an annoyed tone, his mouth becoming a tight line as he glared at Jimin.

Quick wipe. Quick scribbling.

' P L E A S E? :'( '

"Fucking. No." Yoongi clicked his teeth, this was starting to annoy him, but Jimin was determined to make him say yes.

It was time to pull out a secret weapon...

Jimin's lip started to quiver as his expression sadden before he turned around. His shoulders slightly shaking as he moved his free hand up to his face. Yoongi couldn't see but he could tell from Jimin's body posture the boy was crying.

"Oi. Don't tell me you're-" Yoongi started to say before Jimin turned around to face him with sad, teary puppy dog eyes and an innocent face with a slight pout as he held up the board.

' Please Yoongi hyung? I need your presence '

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