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Welcome back everyone! I am so happy to start the sequel and add my own ideas and twists into it. Also, please keep in mind that this book is mostly based on my ideas and completely off from the It book an movies. I will also be adding some of my own characters! The story plot will still take place in Derry, and i know that some of the losers originally move away but for the sake of this book, they don't. Another thing, there will be flashbacks in the book but the font will be different so you guy's won't get confused. Also, the losers are all in their senior year of high school (16-17). One last thing i know that this book's time period is in the 90's but i still want to add old fashion things, so if it seems a bit old just go with it.

I want to thank all of you for all the support i've received on my last book. I received so many reads and it was kind of unbelievable. Thank you all so much and I hope you guys enjoy this book just as much as the last. If you guys are confused or have any questions please feel free to DM me.


-Language will be a bit stronger in this book than the last and phrases will be included that might offend some people.

-I will be including a lot of graphic scenes that include sex, violence, and drugs/drinking, suicide/self harm.

-Like i mentioned before i put together a character that is very out there with emotions and words.

Finally! You guys can begin reading!

Thank you all so much!

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