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This morning Bev and I left extra early: a form of punishimg Richie. Every morning we had a routine. He would pick us up exactly at 8:10am to be at school by 8:20am, but today we decided to catch a ride with my dad so he would pass by our house on purpose and wait.

"Don't you think that was a bit mean?" Bev asked as we spotted the rest of our friends outside the entrance of school, huddled around.

I shrugged, "he annoyed me." I simply said, "Eddie! I can see your thong through your jeans!"

He quickly turned around with flushed cheeks as girls stared and giggled before scattering away, "I fucking hate you!" He shouted before flipping his finger at me. Bev only giggled and pushed me lightly.

"W-where's Richie?" Bill asked as we finally reached them.

I looked away and Bev nudged my side, "go on, tell them."

I rolled my eyes, "He was being a dick-face so we left early and ditched him."

"He is going to be so mad." Stanly said as he chuckled.

"Alright. Halloween is next week, on a Saturday. You guys know what that means. Party!" I practically cheered as I did a whole spin, "who's in?" Everyone kind of looked away, trying to pretend they didn't hear me, "oh c'mon, you guys are so boring. It's Halloween."

"I kinda have to be there... so I guess yeah, I'm in." Beverly shrugged.

"That's my girl." I smiled as I side hugged her, "You guys are all going, I don't care. If you're not there, silent treatment for all of you guys." I said as I puffed out my chest.

"Don't do that. There was once you didn't talk to us for a month." Stanley said with an eye roll.

"Exactly, so don't piss me off." I said as I pointed my finger at him, "besides... Claire's gonna be there." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Claire? As in... your teammate Claire?!" Eddie shrieked as he looked over at Stan with a small smirk.

"I-is Helen gonna be there?" Mike asked quietly.

We all looked over at him with big smiles, "She is now." I said as I punched his shoulder lightly, "Mike, you never fail me." I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"So it's final, you're all going and sleeping over because I'm planing on getting you guys drunk." I said as I eyed everyone carefully. They began to protest but I put my hand up, "I'm sorry, I suddenly can't hear." I said as I began to walk away. They followed closely behind as we entered school.

"What about your mom and dad?" Bill asked.

"Izzy will take care of that." I shrugged.

"It's still crazy to me that you made amends with your crazy sister." Eddie chummed in.

I nodded, "she got help, she apologized, and she's my sister after all. She really changed her life around." I smiled proudly, "anyways, I pray to the gods above that the stupid new bitch doesn't make me punch her square in the face."


"Yeah, her." I cringed as we reached my locker. I completed my combination and opened it, "you know, today is the first day of soccer season and we have a game. What kind of shit is that?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder.

"And all eyes are going to be on you." Mike said quietly.

I huffed lightly, "she's going to do great." Eddie comforted. I turned around to give him a warm smile.

"You guys coming to watch?" I asked.

"Of course, we always do." Bill said.

"Bev, me and you... we make the team." I said as I high-fived her. I began to grab my textbooks for the following classes, "you know, I was thinking the other day... Mrs. Junie is bat shit crazy, why would the teachers allow her near children?" I questioned. I heard footsteps walking away quickly but I didn't think much of it as I began talking again, "she's old too, why hasn't she retired?" I closed my locker and turned around to look at my friends but they were gone. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to the right and spotted Richie. He was furiously walking towards me, "fuck me." I muttered as I began to run away but he caught up.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He asked in a hushed tone as he kept up with my speed.

I huffed in annoyance, "what are you talking about, weirdo?" I questioned as I pushed him away from me.

"I was waiting outside your house for thirty minutes, honking. You're mom had to come out and tell me you guys already left-"

"Poor you." I faked sobbed, "I want an apology."

"I phrased my sentence wrong, I'm fucking sorry." He sighed as he continued to follow me to class.

"Not good enough." I said as I gripped my books.

"Okay, stop it." He said as he grabbed my arms and stopped me. He made my body face his as he pinned me against the lockers, "stop running away and talk."

I sighed, "lately we've been getting into petty arguments, stupid arguments. We fight forr everything, I don't want it to be like that. I will admit, that bitch got under my skin and I got jealous, I'm sorry. But that doesn't excuse the many other fights."

He nodded as his glasses slid down the bridge of his nose, "I'm sorry Cole. I speak before I think sometimes. I don't want to fucking fight either." He said.

I smiled slightly, "I love you." I said as I kissed his chin, "oy, first football match today, you better be there." I said with a dramatic British accent.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, mate." He said as he bent down to kiss my lips, "how bout we sneak a quikie in my car?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"You always ruin it, you pervert." I chuckled as I pushed him away, "I have to get to class. I'll see you afterwards."

"Babe, come on! Don't leave me with a-"

"Behave and maybe before my game." I said as I winked.

"And just like that, I'm off to class." He said before taking off running.

I laughed at his stupidness as I turned around.


Shit guys... I'm sorry. I know I have been gone for so fucking long and I truly want to apologize. I've given up on stories before but I'm going to finish this because it's not fair to you guys. I'll be updating more soon, but I don't have a set schedule for this book yet.

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