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early june, 1992

'so what happened next?!' el asked me in excitement as we discussed what had happened last week between me, richie, and the kiss

'well, then you came and ruined it! but in a way i was super relieved when you came, because now that he's 18... who knows what would have happened..'

it took her a minute to process exactly what i said, but when she did she slapped my arm as i started laughing with her,'victoria mia harrington you nasty girl!'

we kept on laughing, but quickly stopped as soon as steve came into the room,'what are you two laughing about?' he asked, an apple in his hand that he took a bite out of as he waited for our answers

'nothing!' i quickly said

he shook his head and smiled,'well, i'm going to go now, i'll be back sunday morning.. you sure you can take care of yourself, vic? i can stay if you want me to' steve asked

he was going across state to some basketball competition they had for the next three days, leaving me alone to take care of myself

'i'll be fineee, and besides, el is here to keep me company; so don't worry! i'll see you sunday' i said as steve left

about an hour passed before me and el started to get bored, extremely bored

'ugh! this is so boring! you know what we should do!' el said as she got an idea, i could see it in her eyes

'what crazy idea do you have now?' i asked her as the excitement grew in her eyes

'we should go to a party and get completely shit faced!'

i laughed,'and why would we do that?'

'why not? but we don't have any party to go to; do you know where someone is throwing a party by any chance?'

i thought about the paper richie slipped in my hand that day, he invited me to a party he was going to go to today

'maybeeeee' i said cheekily

'ooh ooh oooh tell me!'

'richie invited me- us, to a party today, but i don't think-'

'thats it! we're going! now get on some party clothes and i can do your makeup!'

'fine, we can go.. but why not you? don't you also want to get ready?'

'honey, i don't have anyone to impress'

after i was done getting ready and got my makeup on, el and i headed to my car to drive to the address richie gave me

we arrived at the already crowded house, and i quickly realised it was bill's

wow, he grew up since he's throwing a party this big

we got out of the car and headed into the moderately big house

we got some drinks, looked around, both inside and outside, but there was no sign of richie

'hey uh, el?' i yelled over the loud music so she could hear me

'yeah?' she yelled back

'you go have fun, i'll find richie and then i'll come back to you again; is that okay?'

she gave me a thumbs up and then disappeared into the crowd

after a long time of searching, and many drinks, i gave up and threw myself onto a random couch, couples making out around me

i could feel myself getting tipsy, so i set my drink down, not wanting to have any more

however, there didn't go long before some guy came over to me and started to attempt to chat me up

he explained that his name was oliver, and then asked me if i wanted to get drinks with him

'sure!' i yelled over the loud loud music

from what i thought would be my last drink, i drank much more, much much more

soon enough, the so-called oliver disappeared and i was left alone in the crowded house

i was alone, and shit faced

i sat back down on another random couch, when a familiar face came up to me

'richie?' i asked sadly

'vic, are you drunk?' he asked as i went up to him and gave him a hug, but ended up having him supporting me so i could even stand

'sadly, rich' i whispered into his ear

'how'd you get here?' he asked me

'i drove with el' i answered, i could smell the lingering smell of alcohol on his breath when he talked to me, although it was nowhere near how i could have been smelling

'did you drive? where are your car keys?' he asked me

he wasn't drunk, it seemed as if he had only had one drink

'yes, and in my pocket' i screamed at him, the music making it hard to hear anything

'okay,' he whispered,'let's get you home' he said as he wrapped his arm around me and took me outside in an attempt to find my car

'i'm cold, rich' i drunkenly said to richie as he unlocked my car, placing me in the front passenger seat

'alright, here's my jacket' he said as he placed his leather jacket over me and walked over to the driver seat of my car

he started the car as he asked me,'is steve home?'

i shook my head as i closed my eyes

i could hear his relief as he started the car

the radio was turned off as we drove home in silence

once we got home, richie helped me out of my car and locked it behind us

'where are your house keys? still under the doormat?'

'yes sirrrr' i said, stupidly drunk

he unlocked the door and brought us both inside my empty house

he took me to my room and laid me down on the bed

he took of my shoes and my sparkly dress and pulled the covers over me

right as he was about to leave, i said,'rich, please stay'

he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes he always has, and then came back

'ya sure?' he asked as he crawled into bed with me and wrapped his arm around me, bringing me closer

'yes' i whispered into his ear

even though it was dark, we could still see each other's faces clearly

'i love you'

we leaned in, and our lips connected before disconnecting again as i fell asleep

jeez, shit happens when you're shit faced

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