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early august, 1992

'let me see your schedule, vic!' el basically screamed as we sat and ate lunch together with our other friends

'here, just take it!' i laughed as i grabbed it out of my backpack

'holy shit guys, we're seniors! we can have serious boyfriends for once!' one of the other girls at the table, nina, said

'boyfriends; ha!' i laughed sarcastically

'vic, you're definitely going to get a boyfriend soon! i call it, no boy can take his eyes off of you!' ashley said to me as i laughed at what she said

'now, vic, you may laugh but i'm also positive you're going to get a boyfriend' el said as she smiled at me and winked, hinting at richie even though he hadn't talked to me in about two months

'ten bucks says its the new hot guy!' nina said

my attention was suddenly solely focused on what she had just said,'who? what's his name?' I asked

there rarely comes any new people to derry, especially guy seniors

'his name's harry isn't it, nin?' ashley said,'i saw him around the school. he's insanely hot!' she said excitedly

'yeah, harry styles!' nina said

el continued the conversation about this 'harry' boy by saying,'but he's not for you, vic. he's got tattoos and is a total bad boy'

i sighed,'of course he is'

nina ate one of her fries and then said,'true, rumour has it that he's already slept with three girls since the summer dance! and he didn't even go to the dance!'

i shook my head and laughed,'then he can stay away from me'

as we finished our conversation and lunch, the bell rang, signalling that we had to go to our next classes

my next class was art, and i knew no one there

i sat my bag down on a random seat at the back of the class and watched the rest of the students come in the class

once the bell rang there was a seat left in the front of the class and a seat left right next to me

about five minutes after the teacher had started teaching, the door swung open

it was someone i've never seen before

he had short-ish dark brown hair and the most beautiful face and eyes i had ever seen

but he also had tattoos, and that was the perfect description of the fuck boy harry styles was described as not even ten minutes ago by my friends

the teacher looked at him,'thank you for showing up mr...' he waited for the young man's name

'mr styles. harry styles' shit

why do all the hot guys have to be dicks?

'mr styles, you can sit in the seat up front' mr gilbert said to him, but harry ignored him and sat next to me in the back

'okay then' the teacher mumbled and then continued to deeply explain primary colors

harry whispered to me,'got a pen?'

i looked at him before digging through my pencil case and finding a pen for him

'here' i said as i gave him the pen

'the name's harry' he said to me with a half smirk


he nodded and was about to say something but the teacher interrupted us both

'miss harrington and mr styles! no talking in my classes! detention for the both of you for the rest of the week!'

i sighed

detention on the first week of school? yikes

'so, since it's just the two of you i'm going to leave now. but i will be back in twenty minutes and i expect silence until then!' the detention guard said

we both nodded as she left the room and locked the door behind her so we couldn't leave

a few minutes passed in silence before harry got up and walked over to me

'what's up?' he asked me while looking at the paper i was writing

'not really anything, y'know just writing this paper for english' i answered him, focused more on the paper than him

'got a boyfriend?' he asked me as i looked up at him

'no, and i'm not looking for one either' i stated as i focused on my paper again

'that's good' he answered

'and you're saying?' i asked him, now only focused on what he was saying and not on my paper

'nothing, love. just forget it' he said as he sat back down

how weird..

soon enough detention was over and we got let out

as i walked out of the parking lot of the high school to walk home, harry quickly ran up to me

'hey victoria?' he asked

'yeah?' I asked back, unsure of what he could possibly want

'let me drive you home, it's about to rain' he said

i looked up at the sky and sure enough it was about to rain

'fine' i said, agreeing to his offer

as we got into his black range rover, he told me something i definitely did not expect

'you know, if that richie guy hadn't told every single guy in the entire grade to back off of you, then i would totally fuck you' he said as he started to drive

'wait what?! he said what?!' i asked harry

'yeah, he told every single guy that he would beat the shit out of them if they tried anything with you. not that it matters really, he seems quite lanky' he said with his thick british accent

'he can't decide who i date and can't date!' i said to myself

'thats too bad, love'. you're gorgeous' harry said to me

i saw that we were around the meadows, and on the outskirts of the meadows there's a small row of parking spaces that no one ever uses

'pull over, harry' i told him as he pulled the car into one of the spaces

'why? you-' he began but got interrupted when i smashed my lips on his

he slipped his tongue in my mouth as our lips moved in sync with the others

he pulled away,'fuck this shit, i'll get beat up by that richard guy, this is worth it'

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