Day 2: The Search

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-Yamamoto's POV-

It's been a day since we've received the news and tensions are high all around, but we—no—I will not give up.

I know that I'm being a coward. That I'm running away from the truth. But this is just something I could not accept.

I WILL not accept.

How could you; our beloved Sky, just up and leave us like that?

You are the first to accept me for who I am; the first to see me as an individual and not just the 'baseball star'. You didn't request anything from me but allowed me to stay by your side even though I have nothing to offer. You taught me how to drop my mask and smile from the heart. But how could I smile when you're gone?

I'm supposed to be the calm rain that washes all sorrows away but right now, I can't even do that. The grief is too much for me to handle. I tried. I tried to smile. But what's the use without you around to smile with?

I feel so guilty leaving everything to Hayato to deal with the Vongola while I go off on my own to deal with my grief. I know he must be hurting a lot too but I just don't know if I should be the one to console him. I'm not up to the task. I failed as your Rain guardian. I failed as your friend.

Right now I'm at the site of your supposed death. I've been here many times, investigating on what transpired here. Hoping and wishing that I find some clue on your whereabouts. The others had been here too but the moment they arrived on scene, their faces were drained of all color.

It was a massacre. Bodies littered all about and blood was splattered all over. There was nothing left alive there. All was still.

As we continued to inspect the scene, we found a spot where numerous bodies were piled in what looked like a ring. In the middle of the ring, was a puddle of blood.—No--not a puddle but a pool. Looks like whoever was standing here was incredibly strong to take out all these mafia men. But even if he's strong, sooner or later, he'll be worn out and killed.

I immediately dreaded the thought that came to my mind as I stared at the pool of blood. I didn't want to entertain that possibility but I couldn't ignore it either. I quickly ask the forensics team to take a sample of the blood to the lab and test for its DNA.

I have an inkling of who it belongs to but I don't want it to be true. I hope to God or whoever's listening, that I'm wrong.

Please let me be wrong.


I knew and yet the reality of it still struck me hard. It was your pool of blood found on the scene. But yet your body was nowhere to be found. And that gives me a reason to hope that you're alive, right? You must have some reason that made you unable to return right?

And so, I'm not giving up hope. I'll never, because you're my Sky and the Rain needs a Sky in order to be free; in order to smile.

And so I'll try to smile. I'll smile because I want to believe that you're alive out there. And when you return to us, I'll be there to greet you with a big, bright smile on my face.

But it won't be just me. Everyone will also be there. I'll make sure of that. I'll try to be the Rain that you've made me to be. I'll try to wash away everyone's sorrows or at least lessen it. It's the least I could do for now.

So please, hurry up and return to us.

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