Day 7: A Ray Of Hope

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-Normal POV-

The guardians were all called to gather in the meeting room. Even though they all lived in the mansion, it has been days since they last gathered together; 6 days in fact. Each of them was all too busy in their own thoughts and grief.

But the one who gathered them has not arrived and the guardians stood quietly in the room, awkwardness hanging in the air. How could a mere 6 days manage to create such a rift between them? But of course it would, for they have no Sky to bind them together now. These individuals would not have gathered together much less talk to one another if they were left alone. They were all too different in both mind and personality. They would have gotten through life maybe without even interacting with one another.

The only reason why these 7 individuals gathered was because of their feelings for their Sky.

Friendship, Loyalty, Admiration, Brotherhood, Gratitude, Respect and Love.

All of this are what made them willing to follow their one and only Sky and with their Sky's Harmony- acceptance and kindness- they become one Famiglia.

So once their Sky disappeared, their bonds quickly got strained and tense. And if nothing's done, it might just get worse.

Well, if not for a certain marshmallow loving busybody who has all the answers.


"Yoohooooo~ How are you doing Vongola!" An overly cheerful albino burst in through the doors and greeted the 7 with an closed-eye grin.

"Tch. So you were the one who called us here?" Hayato clicked his tongue in annoyance. He's dislike of the albino has never changed since the incident even though Tsuna has long forgave him.

"Hi Byakuran." Takeshi greeted with a strained smile.

"Hn." Kyoya acknowledged the albino with a nod but didn't move from his corner, not wanting to crowd around them.

"Bya-san! Do you have any candy?" Lambo chirped. The two have grown closer due to their love for marshmallows and all things sweet. You could say that Byakuran bribed their friendship with candy.

"Sorry, I only have marshmallows at the moment." Byakuran took out a packet of it and stuff one soft delicacy into his mouth.

"Kufufufu~ To what do I own this displeasure of seeing you?" Mukuro sneered. Chrome stayed by his side and kept an wary eye on Byakuran.

"I wanted to check up on how you guys are doing. Considering what happened and all, I thought you guys need some cheering up~"

"From you? No thanks." Hayato growled.

"Maa Maa Hayato. He means no harm." Takeshi patted Hayato's shoulder.

"Shut up! And how many times did I tell you not to call me by my first name!" Hayato yelled and glared at the raven-head. However, as quickly as he did, he turned his gaze away from him, suddenly remembering the awkwardness between them these past few days. They both felt kind of strange to be bickering like this again.

The awkwardness in the air was broken by Byakuran.

"Hai Hai~I know things are confusing right now and you all are preoccupied with your emotions. But I'm here to bring you some important news of your boss~"

At that, everyone's heads perked up and they rushed at Byakuran for information all at once.

"About Tsuna?!"

"Spit out what you know right now you stupid marshmallow freak!"

"Yay! Tsu-nii!"

"What about bossu?"

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