Day 4: Muddled Thoughts

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-Ryohei's POV-

This is EXTREMELY unacceptable!!

You can't just leave us like that! I don't care if you wanted to protect us or you didn't want to get us involved, it's selfish of you to leave us in the dark and head off to such a dangerous battle on your own!

I screamed in frustration as I took my anger out on the punching bag in the gym. This has become my usual hang out place ever since. This is the only place I can think properly. I can't face the others right now with my thoughts all muddled like this. I need to vent.

Did you not trust us? You of all people should know our strength. We are extremely capable of protecting ourselves from any danger. We could have fought side by side with you and yet you left us behind!

Now you're gone. Leaving us behind to clean up after you. Do you know how much pain you've caused us by disappearing like that?!

Everyone is in pain. Everyone.

This could have been different if you had trusted us and brought us along with you. But I know no matter what I say now would be meaningless. That's just how you are Otouto....

Your kindness and consideration for others will be your downfall.

And now it really is.

And we're the ones bearing the pain.

It extremely hurts to see everyone in tears. Though Tako-head and Hibari weren't crying like the others, I could tell they are in pain but they are struggling to hide it. Hibari because of his pride and Tako-head because he believes that he has to stand strong in order to support the Vongola as your right-hand man. He thinks that crying would make him weak. He believes that he has no rights to cry because he had failed you and is punishing himself for that. We all can tell that he's pushing himself too much but no words would get through to him now. If anyone can stop him, it's you. He never listens to any of us.

And there's Kyoko; my precious Imouto. She is never the same after that day. She never smiled and even when she did, it is all forced. She would cry in her room when she thought no one was around and whenever I am, she would plaster a fake smile on her face so that she'll not worry me but I can clearly see the pain behind those tearful eyes. And it hurts so much that I could do nothing to ease her sadness.

I went with Yamamoto and the others to the site of your disappearance and I've seen the scene of carnage there. It was terrible. I helped to heal the villagers who was caught in the crossfire and heard their stories. Many were about how a young man with brown hair and eyes came to save them and evacuated everyone out safely. I knew that had to be you. You are still so selfless and reckless. However, I didn't hear anything about you in the aftermath. The last sighting of you was of you going into the forest which matches the blood we found there. No one knew what happened to you after.

There was so much blood found; your blood. And I do not want to believe in what was suggested. I do not want to believe that you are dead. As long as there's no body, there's extremely no evidence that you are dead.

Only missing.

There has to be some reason why you can't come back to us. I extremely want to believe that.

So for now as I wait, I'll continue to carry out my role as a guardian. I am the Sun guardian; the one who illuminates the sky with its bright light. I will continue to be loud and cheerful in hopes that everyone will be too. I will shine brightly onto them and give them hope that you'll return to us one day.

I don't want to believe that you're dead. I will NOT believe that as long as there's hope. So don't let me down Otouto. The Sun needs a Sky to shine in. I can't be complete without you around.

None of us can.

So you have to return.

And when you return, I promise I'll punch you so hard for making Kyoko cry, for making your family worried and for selfishly going off on your own.

That is an extremely unacceptable behavior for a boss to have! But you're my Otouto, so I'll forgive you for that.



So you extremely have to come home, no matter what.

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