Day 6: Shrouding Mists

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-Chrome's POV-

Bossu....It can't be true right? I refuse to believe that you're gone. But why do I not feel your presence in this world anymore? I thought it was because I'm not strong enough to sense you but Mukuro-sama tried it too and he didn't either. Does that mean you are really gone from this world?

It hurts. It hurts when you're not around anymore. You were the second person who I ever truly trusted and opened up to. Mukuro-sama gave me another chance to live while you provided me with a reason to live. Without the two of you, I would have died a long time ago. Now that you're gone, it felt like a part of me is gone too.

Bossu....I wanted to fight for you. I wanted to be of use to you. But you were always protecting me, just like Mukuro-sama. I felt like a liability to you whenever there's a fight going on and all I could do is watch from the sidelines.

I'm so sorry that I'm always a burden to you. I'm sorry I'm useless. But even with all my flaws, I still want to stay by your side.

And so, I build up my resolve to change. For the first time ever, I felt the need to change and the reason for that is you. I wanted to be able to fight, or at least be able to protect myself so that you won't have to worry about me all the time. I wanted to stand by your side as an equal. I wanted to do so many things for you but now, it's too late.

Bossu, I miss you so much.

Why did you have to leave?


-Mukuro's POV-

Kufufufu~ I can't believe you made my dear Chrome cry. She was so depressed when she heard the news that she didn't come out of her room for 3 days. She didn't eat or drink and couldn't do anything except to cry and grief your disappearance. She really is stubborn, that girl.

I don't believe for a minute that you're dead. You're not one to die so easily. But something must be preventing you from contacting us. Even with all my 6 Paths of Reincarnation, I still can't see where you lie. If you're dead, I could at least find a trace of your soul using my powers but no, you're just gone without a trace. Even your body has disappeared. It's as if you're not in this world anymore. Maybe, you're in another one? That could be possible if not probable since you do have a knack for getting yourself into complicated situations like this.

If that is so, then the situation must be more complicated than it seems. If I have no way of contacting you then it must be the same for you. But knowing that you're alive is good enough for me. Knowing you, you'll definitely find a way back to the Vongola no matter what right?

That's fine with me. As long as I know you're alive out there, my chances of possessing your body are not tarnished.

Kufufufu~ So you better not let down your guard when you get back. I bet by then, you'd have grown even stronger than before. I can't wait to see you then.

Till then, I'll make sure no one outside of Vongola even knows you're missing. We wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of us now do we? Don't worry; my mist will shroud everything that needs to be hidden. The enemy will never find us unless I want them to. I'll protect the Vongola for you while you're gone so you own me one.

Maybe you can pay me back with your body?


(I'm sure everyone is going to comment on how inappropriate he sounds, but you know what he meant.)

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