The Family Reunion

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Chapter 6.

♔Nash's Pov♔

As Cameron rang the doorbell. A women opened the door, she looked like she was in her early 20's. She was a bit tall she had long brown hair with brown eyes she was tanned.

  She looked like she could be a kardashian sister. She was very attractive I must admit but she isn't my type.

"Oh my God Cameron! I'm so happy to see you! I haven't seen you in 6 years!" the girl squealed in excitement

"Yeah I know it's great to see you too" Cameron said as reaching to give her a hug

"Who's your friend?" The girl questioned

"Oh this is Nash"

"Hi Nash nice to meet you. I'm Katelyn"

"Nice too meet you too" I said while holding out my hand to shake hers.

she looked at my hand then looked at me with a smile on her face.

"That's not how I greet people I greet them with a hug" she said while reaching to give me a hug

  I hugged her back.

"Careful now Katelyn we want Nash breathing not blue and on the ground  do we" Cameron said  with laughter

"Sorry I just love meeting new people and as you can see I'm a hugger" she said with a smile

"it's fine" I said

"Well come in guys everyone is in the family room" she said as she motioned us inside the house.

  Woah this house is even better looking in the inside. It's like one of those houses that you see in reality shows and stuff like that.

"You like it?" I heard Katelyn say from behind me

"Yeah I love it! It's really big, it's really nice" I said as I looked around

"Thanks anyways do you guys want to go with the grown ups or the kids? By kids I mean people your age"

as I was about to say something but Cameron interrupted me. "We'll go greet the grown ups then go with the people out age"

As we got done greeting the adults, Katelyn then leaded Cameron and I to the backyard where there was people our age.


"Well I'll leave you guys here I have to go to a Photo Shoot" Katelyn said as if she was in a hurry

"Photo shoot?" I asked confused

"Yeah Well I'm taking acting as a career so I have to go get new head shots for my agent"

"Oh so your an uprising actress" I said with excitement

"Yeah, Well I have to go now. We should hang out sometime Me, you and cameron" she said

"Yeah that'd be great. Also good luck on your career" I shouted as she was walking towards the from door.

"Thanks! Bye now"

So as Katelyn left me and Cameron walked up to the teens.

"Yo Cameron! Long time no see" A boy shouted out

"Yeah it's been so long since I've seen you"

As more and more of Cameron's Cousins came to talk to us time flew by so fast it was already 10:35 P.M. so I told Cameron we should get going because tomorrow was the first day of school.

We then got up and said goodbye to everyone of Cameron's family members. We then got in the car and drove home. I fell asleep on the way home because it was a 40 minute drive.

As we arrived home Cameron woke me up and said, "we're here"

I looked up and saw my house and then I turned to my left and saw Cameron's house.

"Thanks for coming along Nash it was really fun hanging out with you" Cameron said as he was locking his car.

"Yeah no problem, Thanks for inviting me I had a blast"

"Well see you at school tomorrow" Cameron said as he was approaching his house door"

"Yeah see you later" I shouted while opening my house door

"Goodnight Nash" Cameron said with a smile on his face

"Goodnight" I said as I walked in my house.

I then ran upstairs and took a nice cool shower. As I got out the shower I got in my pajamas and got ready for bed. I turned of the lights and hoped in my bed and fell quick asleep.

♡So what did you guys think? I tried making this chapter a bit longer I hope I didn't fail on that.♡ Do comment what you liked and didn't liked about this chapter or any other opinions.

***By the way if your wondering if Cameron's mom was in the family reunion, she was I just didn't mention her in this chapter. ***

Thank you all for all the reads and votes!!!!

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