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Levy opened the door to her new home and walked inside, her parents following her.

She smiled and twirled around in the entryway, then ran back out the door to grab her things.

She took them upstairs and started to unpack her room.

As she folded her shirts on her bed, she suddenly felt a cold gust of wind.

Levy turned around, searching for the source, but nothing was there. A shiver ran down her spine.

Slowly, Levy turned back to her clothes and finished folding them.

Just as she put the last one in her drawer, her mother called her for dinner.

Levy called back that she was coming, then she walked out of her room. She turned around to close the door and saw a dark, wild figure out of the corner of her eye. She did a double-take, but when she looked back, there was no one there. She left, nervous that there was something strange going on.

After dinner, Levy went back upstairs. The whole way to her room, she kept checking over her shoulder, skittish.

But nothing presented itself.

She carefully opened her door, and looked in anxiously. Nothing.

With a sigh of relief, Levy walked in and grabbed a book, sitting on her bed to read.

After a while, she fell asleep.

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