Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

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The rest of the day passed by easily and Levy didn't see Gajeel until she was home again.

Thursday was also a relatively calm day and Levy was un-grounded.

Then came Friday.

It was afternoon, after school. Levy was looking through her closet for the dress she wanted to wear.

There it was, buried in a pile of odds, ends, and shoes. She yanked it out and ran into the bathroom.

Gajeel, who was hanging out on her bed, laughed, but Levy didn't see.

She put the dress on and looked in the mirror.

She was wearing an orange-ish yellow dress with white trim around the hem, neckline and waist. There were also detached sleeves trimmed with the same color.

Levy pulled on a pair of white heeled sandals and walked out, ever present headband in place.

She turned and looked at herself. "Gajeel? What do you think?"

Gajeel looked up from his pad of paper. His crimson-red eyes widened a little. He smiled; an actual smile, not a smirk.

He wrote something and tossed it to her.

You look amazing, Shrimp. Who are you going with? It said.

Levy smiled at her sweet friend. 'He may hide it, but I'm certain he has a soft side to his iron interior. And I am starting to crush on a ghost.' "Thanks, Gajeel. I'm going with a guy named Jet."

Gajeel smirked and wrote, Well, don't forget to save a dance for your friends!

Levy grinned. Gajeel was great. "I won't!"

Levy walked into the dance and immediately spotted her friends. (Blue, red, and especially pink hair was hard to miss.)

She weaved around people and arrived at their table. Most of the guys were already stuffing their faces with food of some sort.

At that moment, a slow song came on.

Jellal offered his hand to Erza, then twirled her away in a flash of scarlet red.

Juvia dragged Gray onto the floor. He sighed and didn't bother fighting it.

Laxus took Mira's waist and led her out, dancing in perfect harmony.

Natsu looked at Lucy, who smiled. They walked out, hand in hand, and blushed.

Jet walked up and bowed. "May I have this dance?"

Levy nodded and followed him onto the dance floor.

They danced this song and the next few. Then Levy dance with Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Jellal, all her other friends. The girls even did a big dance circle.

The night was coming to a close, and Levy was taking a break, when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

She turned around and saw that grinning face of his. Gajeel's.

Another song was beginning. He held his hand out, red eyes locked on hers.

Levy stood and grasped it. His other hand settled on her waist and they started dancing.

Natsu, Lucy, Juvia, Gray, Mira, Laxus, Jellal, Erza, and the group sat down, then realized Levy wasn't with them.

"Hey, where's Levy?" Lucy asked in concern.

Gray spotted her first. "Right there." He said, pointing.

They all looked.

"Wait..." Erza began, squinting. "Is that... Gajeel?"

"Who?" Natsu asked.

Laxus sighed. "Her ghost friend?"

"Oh!" Natsu said, lightbulb-ing.

"Aw!" Mira breathed. "Would you look at that? Beautiful."

And it was. Levy's face was lit up and she was smiling brightly at her friend. Gajeel was looking down at her, eyes soft in a way no one thought possible.

It was indeed beautiful.

Levy started walking home, barefoot and holding her shoes in one hand.

She looked up at the beautiful, starry night sky. The moon was just a sliver of a crescent and the stars glowed with a far away light.

It was around midnight. Levy yawned. She was falling asleep as she walked!

There was a breath of air against her back, then a pair of arms slipped under her back and knees.

Gajeel picked her up and brought the sleeping girl home.

Then he carried her up the stairs and laid her on the bed, pulling a blanket up to her chin and tugging her shoes out of her hand. He set them on the floor.

He turned back to her and smiled. 'I love ya, Shrimp. Good night.'

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