chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A few days later Emma finds herself driving Henry over to the Jones house for his campout. She was excited for the kid, he never really got to camp out before, David was supposed a couple of times, but it had to be cancelled both times. Emma knew David hated letting his nephew down, but thankfully the kid understood that David had his own son who needed his dad as well. Emma smiles looking at the back seat, he has his overnight bag and sleeping bag sitting on the seat with him. "Ready for tonight kid?"

Henry smiles at her "Yep, I finally get to camp."

Emma chuckles "So you probably won't be missing me? Cause I will for sure miss you."

"I'll miss you mom, but I will be having fun. Besides you're picking me up in the morning right?"

"Yes. We have plans with Uncle David, Aunt Mary Margaret and Leo for lunch."

Henry nods his head and looks the window for a minute "Granny's or their house?"

"Their house, why?" Emma asks finding it weird for him to ask.

"That means a healthy lunch" Henry says.

Emma laughs "Only cause she loves us kid."

Henry shrugs "But I like other food more."

"And that is how I know you my son kid" Emma says with a laugh "come on for me, just eat whatever she makes."

Henry sighs "Fine."

As the kid answered Emma pulled into the driveway, she had to admit it was a nice house. It was blue and the porch wrapped around most of the house, you could see the water from their back yard. One thing Emma knew for sure of the Jones men, is they loved the water. Emma gets out of the car and helps Henry out and takes his bag for him while he carries his sleeping bag, they make their way up to the house and Emma knocks, they stand there and can hear footsteps.

Killian looks out the window on the side of the door and opens "Ah, the Swans, come on in" Killian says with a smile.

Emma puts her hand on Henry back and guides him in, Henry drops his sleeping bag and runs right up the stairs, before Killian can even tell him where Will was, making both adults laugh "Sorry about that, he's excited" then she hands him a grocery bag "I got you guys s'mores stuff."

Killian smiles "I knew there was a camping essential I was missing" he said with a smirk.

Emma chuckles "Did you need any help setting up?" she asks sticking her hands in the back pockets of her cut off shorts "Not that in reality I could really help" she says blushing a bit.

"Me and Will took care of it already, but thank you" Killian says. "So uh... Emma I don't know if you have any plans for the night, but would you like to join us... at least to eat, and these s'mores?"

"Nah I have a date" Emma notices a hint of sadness on Kilian's face "with my couch and Netflix."

Killian nods "No big plans, I'm giving a chance at freedom" he says jokingly.

Emma shakes her head "That's it, I mean the only people I would go out with have a young kid themselves. But don't worry about me Killian, I've wanted to finish a couple shows on there, and well a kid less night gives me a good opportunity."

Killian nods "Fair enough, but if you change your mind you are more than welcome Emma."

"Thanks I better get going" Emma says then walks to the steps "Hey kid, I need to go."

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