chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Emma wakes up the next morning to the sounds of laughter coming from downstairs, and the smells of breakfast cooking. Emma slowly makes her way downstairs and stops in the doorway of the kitchen and watches the boys cooking breakfast. "Morning" she says walking in after a minute.

"Morning" all four of them say.

"What smells so good?" she asks moving to give Henry his morning hug and kiss, she even gives Will and Liam a hug.

"Pancakes" Will says proudly "Can you help me Emma?" as he struggles to flip it over.

Killian gives her a smile as he stands at the other side getting their coffees together, Emma puts her hand on Wills back lovingly "Sure, here" she says taking the spatula from him and flipping the four pancakes over. She looks and sees Henry checking the oven under Killian's supervision checking the sausage links. "This looks like quite the breakfast, what can I do to help?"

"Well maybe just help Will out, he's gotten good, but he doesn't like when I try to help him" Killian says jokingly, patting Will on the shoulder.

Emma gives him a smile and helps Will put the pancakes on the plate "Ok pour the mix slow Will" she says helping him with the mix.

With is tongue sticking out slightly from between his lips "Ok Emma" he says making four pancakes into the pan.

"Hey kid" Emma says as Henry puts the tray on the counter "you're doing such a great job at helping" she says kissing the top of his head.

"Thanks mom" Henry says with a smile "those pancakes look good" he adds.

Emma smile at her son "Thanks, but Will is doing a lot of the work" she says ruffling Wills hair.

"Thanks Henry" Will says shyly to his friend "me and dad always make food together" he adds proudly.

They finish up making breakfast, and the 5 of them sit to eat. "So what is going on today?" Emma asks as she eats some pancake.

"Well Emma, you mentioned you had some studying to do, so I thought to give you some peace and quiet, I would take the lads out on the boat for the morning" Killian says getting excited responses from all 3.

Henry looks over at his mom "Can I mom, please that will be so fun?" he says giving his mom his best pouty face.

Emma chuckles at her son, and then looks at Killian "Yeah, you can go kid. But you listen to Killian, you do what he says."

"Wish you could come too Emma" Will says.

Emma smiles at the boy "Maybe a day soon."

Killian can't help but be happy seeing how well everyone gets along "We will find a day Will before school starts back up in a few weeks to get us all out on the boat."

"Ok Killian" Will says.

"Liam go?" Liam says , speaking up from eating his pancakes.

"Yes Li go to" Killian says lifting the boy from his booster seat and sitting down with him on his lap.

"Emma go?" Liam then asks.

"Afraid not lad, but Emma will be here when we get back" Killian answers.

"Hey Li" Emma says, getting Liam to look at her "I will see you when you get home buddy ok?"

"Ok Emma" says Liam, as he leans his head against his dads chest clearly sad.

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