chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It had been 3 weeks since the campout, and the 2 families had fallen into a routine. For the summer Henry and Will where attending the Storybrooke summer camp, and everyday either Emma or Killian would pick them up; Killian always picking up Liam from Ashley's daycare. Weekends where sleepover time, Friday night was spent at one house, and Saturday was at the other, Liam even had gotten to join a couple of them at Emma's house. Which Emma enjoyed, she loved having a little boy around again. But don't get her wrong she absolutely loved the stage that Henry is at (the toys where better, and his interest where getting better and better) but she missed when he was little. Henry thankfully never shied away from hugs from Emma, but he was more into cuddles when he was Liam's age, that is what she missed. And Will was a great kid too, he was always so helpful, she enjoyed her nights with a full house of kids, she could see a future like this.

Emma is taken from her thoughts when her cell phone starts ringing, she had dropped Henry off at camp not even a half hour ago and was on the couch enjoying her coffee. She had a rare middle of the week day off, Emma looks and sees it's Killian "Morning Jones" she says.

"Great Swan" Killian says relieved, he recently came up with calling her by her last name when he saw the name plate on her work desk simply said Swan "I'm so glad you picked up" he adds sounding relieved.

The relief doesn't go by unnoticed by her "Of course I answered is something wrong?" she asks as she begins to worry.

"Heres the thing, Liam started getting sick last night, I woke up late because of it, barely got Will to camp on time. So now I have a sick kid, who can't go to daycare because he's sick, and I'm already short two people at work..." he starts to ramble on.

"Killian, bring Liam over I can watch him" Emma says softly, remembering how scary it is being a single parent with a young kid and needing a sitter.

Killian lets out a sigh of relief "Emma you don't have too..."

"Killian it's no problem. Don't forget I'm a mom; I've taken care of a sick little boy before. And believe me, I've been in your shoes" Emma says.

"You are a life saver Swan, truly" Killian says with a smile, even though Emma can't see him, there was something in the statement she can tell.

"It's my pleasure Killian. Now bring the poor little guy over here, doctor Emma will take care of him" Emma says with a smile.

"Alright Swan, I will see you soon" Killian "Oh and Emma."


"Thank you, seriously" Killian adds, then hangs up.

Emma smiles at her phone, it wasn't how she expected to spend her day off but they needed her, and she was happy to help. Emma moves to the hallway closet and takes out one of Henry's old sheets (ones she kept just for this reason), a towel and a blanket. Emma then walks over to the couch and moves the throw pillows off to the side. She first lays down the old towel about where Liam would lay, then she covers up the couch with the old bed sheet, one thing she remembered when Henry was this age was he wanted her insight and tv was a life saver as well. Emma moves back to the closet and grabs the puke bucket she used for Henry when he was sick. Emma goes to her room to change into something more comfortable since she will be staying inside today.

Then Emma hears a knock on her door, and she goes and opens to find Killian holding Liam, along with a backpack and pillow. Emma gives them a sad smile "Hey."

"Hi Emma, I know I said it already but thank you" Killian says.

Emma takes the pillow and backpack, and walks into the apartment and invites Killian inside. She sets the pillow down on the couch, then sets the bag down by the couch. "It's no problem Killian really" she moves closer and puts her hand on Liam's back "Hi Liam" she says softly.

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