chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As expected on Sunday morning everyone is in a glum mood, the Swan's where able to go home. The two families enjoyed one last breakfast together of fresh strawberries and bananas over waffles. After breakfast Emma helps Killian clean up, then the Swans get ready to leave, the boys have said goodbye and now it was time for the adults to.

Killian helps put the bags in the trunk then closes the hatch "It was a great weekend Swan."

"Yeah it was, thank you for letting us stay" Emma says with a smile.

"It was my pleasure Emma, you should know you and Henry are always welcome here" Killian says, he wants to ask her out officially but gets nervous, doing his signature scratch behind his ear "So Swan... I was wondering... on Wednesday if we might have our first official date, not one our sons set up?"

Emma stands there a minute "Yeah, I would like that... I know David and Mary Margaret won't mind looking after Henry."

Killian nods "Sounds like a plan... love" he says with a smirk, and kisses her cheek "I will let you know the plans by Tuesday so you know what to expect."

Emma blushes "Alright... see you later Jones."

Monday rolls around, the boys are taken to their respective places, and the adults go to work.

Emma walks into the station, and sets her hot chocolate on her desk "Hey David" she says to her brother.

"Hey Emma" David says with a smile "hey what happened this weekend, you never told us the air was out in your building?" he says going into protective big brother mode.

"Yeah I... I didn't want to be a bother. You guys have the work going on, on the house. And with Leo running around, I just didn't want to add to the craziness is all."

David looks at her sternly "Emma, you and Henry would never be a burden first of all. But you could of at least told me where you were staying, so I didn't go to Granny's looking like a idiot looking for you."

Emma can't help but laugh, then David gives her a look "Sorry, I'm sorry" she says then manages to settle herself "I guess I wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to make you guys worry."

David walks to her and hugs her "You're forgiven... Now tell me, where did you and Henry stay then?"

Emma blushes with a smile "At the Jones house" she sees David's eyes go wide "before you freak out. He overheard the end of my phone call with Gold. And just I ended up telling him what was going on... and he offered for me and Henry to stay, instead of staying at Granny's."

David sighs; he knew his sister had feelings for the man "You didn't do anything stupid did you?"

"God David no" Emma says bringing her hand to her forehead. "But I should tell you though, that me and Killian decided to give dating a try. We both like each other, and the boys pretty much gave us their blessings this weekend."

"And you're sure about this Emma? I don't want another situation like with Michael happen again" David says sitting on the corner of his desk.

"Yeah I'm sure" Emma says with a smile. "I never felt more sure about bringing a guy around Henry like this before, I never trusted anyone like this before."

David takes a breath, and puts his hand on his sisters leg "Alright, but I would love to meet this guy, and soon. I've seen him in passing but never fully met him."

Emma nods "I thought you stopped by his house when they moved in."

David nods "Yeah, again in passing. He seems nice, and wants to do right by his boys, just want to make sure he is worthy of my sister and nephew, I promised mom I would protect you two."

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