Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (epilogue)

5 years later

Emma slowly wakes up, and rolls over looking at the clock 9:00 am it reads, and she smiles. Being the mom of boys it was not a easy task to sleep in, but then she hears giggles from the kitchen, that's how she got to sleep, she thinks to herself. Then her eyes fall onto a picture; it was of her, Killian and the boys. Killian was standing behind her, his arms wrapping around to her front, his hands resting underneath her small bump. To her right stood Henry and Liam, both with a hand on her bump, and to her left was Will and Mikey, doing the same. Mikey was the latest addition to the family, he came into their home, just shy of two years ago. Then ten months ago, they adopted the now six year old.

The couple had considered adopting, but the right kid just happened to fall into their laps. Emma and the other cops were called to a home in the outskirts of town, in suspicion of drugs. Emma in searching through the house found the then four year old hiding in a closet, and with no place for him, Emma was able to take the boy in until a place was found. Needless to say, Mikey never left the Jones home. And now, Emma was now pregnant, she just reached 5 months, and they found out the baby was a girl.

Emma stands up from the bed, and stops looking at herself in the mirror, running her hands around her bump, it looked like she was smuggling half a basketball under her shirt now and smiles, "Let's go see what those guys of ours are up to huh?" she asks stroking her bump, earning a small kick in return, Emma chuckles "I will take that as a yes."

Emma heads downstairs to the kitchen, where she still heard laughter, as she walked down the stairs, she couldn't help but smile at all the pictures they had accumulated over the six years together. From school pictures, to family vacations, to birthdays, even their wedding three years ago, all hung up on the wall. Her favorite was their family picture from the day they adopted Mikey.

Emma walks to the kitchen, but stops in the doorway. Killian is at the stove instructing thirteen year old Henry with making the eggs, Will mixing the pancakes, Killian then moves to Eight year old Liam, who is cutting up fruit "Very good lad" he ruffles Liams hair, then he moves to Mikey who was working on a picture for Emma.

"Think mommy will like it?" Mikey asks him innocently.

Killian kisses his head "She'll love it Mikey."

Emma then walks in, "Morning boys" she says happily.

All four boys go running to her yelling "mom!!!"

Emma laughs as all four sets of arms engulf her in hugs "I can't tell, are you happy to see me?" she jokes lifting up Mikey and kisses his nose.

Killian chuckles coming up and kissing her, also giving her belly a caress, "Morning Swan."

Emma hums from the kiss "Morning, what you guys up too?"

"Making you breakfast mom" Will says.

"We thought with sissy getting bigger, and it being tougher for you to do stuff we'd make you breakfast" Liam adds.

"Plus you're just awesome" Henry beams.

Emma's heart melts, she looks at Killian who simply nods. She kisses Mikey's cheek "whatcha think bub?"

"I made you a picture, cause I couldn't help" Mikey says.

Emma grins "And I bet it's the best picture ever."

Mikey blushes burying his face in her neck. Killian takes the boy into his arms "Why don't you help Li, set the table, hmm?"

Mikey nods, then is put back onto his feet and he runs to Liam.

"Okay dad" Mikey answers him, going to his brother to help.

Emma laughs taking the couple steps to Killian, who wrapped his arms around her waist "All my guys are working hard huh?"

Killian grins, pecking her lips "This was all their doing, I'm simply supervising."

"How did I get so lucky with my five guys?" Emma teases.

"I think we all would say the same thing about you love."

Later that day Killian stands at the grill making burgers for them and their guests, they had Marg Margaret and David along with their kids over. Killian grins when David hands him a beer "Thank you David..."

"No problem" David nods, smiling watching his son Leo run around with the Jones boys, he glances at his wife as she and Emma talk, both talking away, hands on their bumps. "I think they are enjoying being pregnant together" David chuckles, nodding at the women.

Killian grins "Aye, only a couple months apart, although with it being twins, Mary Margaret looks just as far along as Emma."

David nods "She is thrilled like you wouldn't believe. It was tough this time around for her getting pregnant."

Emma puts a hand on Mary Margaret's bump "Can't believe you got two of them in there" she chuckles.

Mary Margaret chuckles at her little sister "I just find it so cool that we are having baby's so close together..."

Emma grins "Me too. Maybe one of them will be a girl too, and then they can be best friends."

Mary Margaret smiles, with a nod.

"What?" Emma asks.

"I just can't believe my baby sister, in just four months will be a mom of five, its crazy to me. You took in three boys, no questions asked, became the mom, they all needed. Your mom would be so proud" Mary Margaret says, tears welling up.

Emma gets emotional as well "It was the easiest thing in the world. Like... it's like I was meant to be their mom, just it took time for us to find each other."

"Some things are worth the wait, wouldn't you say?"

Emma turns to look at her four boys running around with her nephew and then looks back at her sister "most definitely."

Later that night Emma and Killian lay in bed, it was going on midnight and a storm was going outside, thunder and lightning filling the darkened outside.

Killian lays a kiss on Emma's belly, then moves up to Emma and kisses her lips "I love my girls" he grins.

Emma giggles "We love you too babe" she sighs, rubbing at the spot the little girl was kicking at.

Killian was about to say something, when their door swings open, revealing Liam and Mikey "What's wrong lads?"

Another crack of thunder sounds, sending both boys running to their bed. Emma laughs, her arms going around Mikey "Hey, it's okay" she says kissing his head.

"Why is it so loud?" Mikey asks in a shaky voice.

Liam sits between their parents "I hate storms."

Emma leans over and kisses his head "you guys are alright, me and dad won't let anything happen.

"That's right lads, we're safe here" Killian says confidently.

Then another crack of thunder comes, along with lightening, causing Will and Henry to run in.

Killian chuckles "come on boys" he waves them over.

The boys, just like the younger two, hop into bed with them.

Emma chuckles "look at this, all my favorite guys in one place" she kisses Mikey's head. They sit and talk, laugh a bit, distracting the boys from the storm, as they all slowly started relaxing again. It isn't long before all four boys are out cold. "I still can't believe this is our life."

"It is a special family isn't it?" Killian kisses her temple.

Emma grins, with tearful eyes "a very awesome, unexpected family, and the best thing to happen to me." Emma says, looking at her children, all snuggled up around her, each with a hand on her belly. She and Henry; Killian and the boys, they all started as broken families, but here they were now, still a bit broken, but their pieces fit together, making them a family that they all desperately needed and wanted.

The End.

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