Give Me a Reason to Believe

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Weeks had passed by and they had been the best I've had in that hell hole. Well they were until my little brother came. I was talking with my 'gang' when Matt told me I had a visitor.

I went into the small room and sat in the chair across from Mikey. Mikey was tall and awkward. He was really skinny and had blonde hair. His knees did this weird thing where they would attract to each other like magnets or something. And he wore his big framed glasses at the end of his nose so it would look like he was always looking down at people. I guess that made him look more like a lawyer and less like an awkward being. But Mikey was good at what he did so who was I to complain?

"Hello Geetard." His nickname for me was Geetard. "How have you been?"

"Ive been doing better." I replied. Because it's true. I had been doing better since I met Frank.

"So Geetard, I have some news. This took awhile because your case was very complicated and....complex. The court and doctors have ruled you insane. You will be going to an asylum where you will be cured. You will be moved in two weeks."

Oh my God. I am going to an asylum. In two weeks. What is Frankie going to think? What does Lindsey think? Does she even know?

"Hey Mikey, does my wife know?"

"Oh Gerard. You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"Well what do you remember from that night?"

He was talking about the night I was arrested. The night my wife found out about what I did. He already knew what happened. I might as well tell him again.

"Well, I was starting to be hunted for after that incident at the incident at the resterant. There was a gun fight. I was trying to kill the 990th victim and I guess he had a gun. Well the police came and told us to come out with our hands held high. As the guy was starting to go out I shot and killed him. The I had run out the back. Yeah to the police were looking for me after that.

"Well it was around 12:36 pm that night. I had just killed my 999th victim. I was getting home to wash up. Lindsey was supposed to be asleep. She always went to bed at 10:00. But for some reason she was up. She was sitting in the living room, waiting; for me I think. She saw me covered in blood. Then she looked to the bloody axe I was holding. I think she tried to scream but nothing came out. She ran to the kitchen. I kinda just stood there. I think she called the police. l walked into the kitchen to see her standing there holding the phone. I knocked her in the head with the axe. Not the sharp part. The dull part to make her unconscious. Lindsey fell to the floor. I caught her and held her. At the top of my lungs in my arms. The police came and arrested me for all the murders. But I never understood that. They said 1000 murders; I only killed 999 people."

Mikey looked at me a few moments. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Then again I never could anyways. After a minute or so of silence he finally spoke.

"Gerard, the reason they charged you with 1000 murders is because that is how many people you killed; 1000. When you hit Lindsey in the head she died. Also that wasn't Lindsey you hit. Lindsey died years ago. You hit Bandit, your daughter."

{Hello again it is Phil. First sorry about the wait. There was exams and shit but now I'm back! *people groaning* Yeah and I'm probably gonna write more because its summer. So see ya! HAHA CLIFFHANGER!!!}

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