Chapter 6

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Jimins pov

I not so secretly keep eyeing Mr. Jeons door to see when Mr. Kim would come out. It's not my fault I want to know what's going on! Okay it totally is.
     Suddenly the door opens and Mr.Kim walks out and I peek up from under a desk I quickly ducked under. He walks out and goes back to his desk. Funny thing is, he did not shut Mr.Jeons door...OMG HES COMING OUT! At the sight of Mr.Jeon coming out from his office, I panic and bump my head while quickly trying to get up. "*extremely loud thump* OW FUCK!" I yelp out before I could stop myself. The whole office looks at me and my cheeks heat up. "S-sorry everyone" I apologize sheepishly. "Jimin. Come to my office now." His voice makes me snap my head his direction and his look makes me submissive. I walk over there trying to keep my posture. I follow in behind him and close the door. "I apologize for yelling out a profanity in the office and disrupting workers" I say legit just trying to apologize. "That's not why your here Jimin. I actually have a question for you." He says with a smirk and a feeling of panic runs through my body. "Huh?" Is all that came out of my stupid mouth. "Why were you under that desk Jimin?" He asks and now awaits my answer. What am I going to say? Oh yeah, I was just watching your door intensely thinking of what you guys were talking about and then I panicked and hid under a desk. HELL NO! "I uh...I was's a nice view down there...yeah...nice view...". Wow Jimin, that was the best you had? Nice fucking view?!Damn he definitely knows I'm lying. "Really now? Are you sure Jimin? As my assistant, you shouldn't lie to me you know...I am your boss" he says while walking towards me, making me slowly walk back. My back hits the wall and he is towering over me because of his height compared to mine. Fuck he's so beautiful. His doe eyes make him appear soft but his smirk makes him look alpha. My heart and my inner omega wants him. I can't do that though. It's wrong. He needs to find his mate. We barely even know each other anyway! What am I even thinking...
     "Mr.Jeon...why are you s-so close" I stutter out nervous for what might happen next. "Your so beautiful. This is so unprofessional of me as I am your boss but gosh, you are stunning. You have the most beautiful eyes, nose, and lips. I can feel it Jimin...can you?" He asks but he does not sound stuck up or anything like that, he sounds sincere and soft. "Feel w-what.." I whisper out afraid of his answer. Afraid that I know what he is going to say. "A connection. I'm pulled to you. I want to make you mine. Don't want any other alpha to look at are my mate I just know it and I think you do too." At that my heart swells, damn I want him too. I felt it since the first time I saw him even though I thought and kinda still think he's arrogant. I was and am also so nervous around him. But isn't this to soon? I barely know him but I feel like maybe that's why I'm always so nervous around him. He is also a dick. Like for real he can be so stuck up. But I like him...Oh man Tae was right! "Mr. Jeo"- "call me Jungkook." He insists. "J-Jungkook...I admit...I feel it...but I don't want to go to fast. We really have only just met and I don't know enough about you...I am sorry..." I say. "Go on a date with me" he says and my head shoots up. "We can get to know each other and take it at any speed you want , however you will be mine so don't go around with other alphas" he says possessively which makes me smile. "Okay, I will go out with you" I say smiling now. "Yes!" He says like a kid and then gets flustered. I laugh. "This Saturday, 7:00 pm sharp. Give me your number so you can text me your address and I will come pick you up." He says. "Where will we go?" I ask happily. "I will take you somewhere nice" he says with a genuine smile. "Okay" I say and walk around Jungkook who is still right in front of me and go to his desk. I find a pen and go back to Jungkook. "Give me your arm" I say and he does. I roll up his dress shirt sleeve and write my number. "Text me" I say winking and rush out the door blushing. I close the door and lean against it. Oh my gosh he's my possible but still mate Jeon Jungkook is my mate and we are going out! My omega cheers and is happy. I can't help but feel all giddy. I thought I disliked him though because he is dick. Maybe I liked him all along and knew we were mates. Hopefully this will grow into something more and turn out good. A feeling inside me says it will.

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