Chapter 8

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Third person pov

In the car, Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about how damn good Jimin was looking tonight. That also made him grip the steering wheel a little harder than normal. Would alphas try to eye his omega, his soon to be mate, his! Thought Jungkook. He's mine, Jungkook said in his head. "Jungkook, are you okay?" Jimins sweet concerned voice disrupts his jealous thoughts. "Of course baby, I'm fine" he says smiling while keeping his eyes on the road. He seemed angry...Jimin thought while looking at Jungkook wondering what is on his mind. They arrive at a fancy looking restaurant and Jungkook gets out of the car. Before Jimin could get out Jungkook opens his door and grabs Jimins hand gently getting him out of the car like in a scene from a movie. Jungkook shuts the door and hands his keys to the valet. "come Jimin, we have a reservation" Jungkook says while walking into the restaurant pulling Jimin along with him. As soon as they enter Jimins mouth gapes open. This place was so beautiful, unlike any place he had been or seen in his life. The lights were dim but light enough to give the place an elegant glow. Gorgeous tables with triangle napkins on shiny plates. Not to forget the cups and wine glasses that looked like clear crystal itself. Jimin started feeling out of place and clung to Jungkooks arm while they walked up to the host desk. "table for 2 under the name Jeon". The womans eyes widened as she bowed to him. Wow...he is really well known...well of course he is, he is Jeon Jungkook after all. Jimin thought to himself feeling more out of place than ever before. As they were walked to their table, Jimin releases his hold on Jungkook and tries to stand with good posture. He felt under dressed too. He was wearing something you might wear to an olive garden or a simple place, while everyone here was dressed in fancy attire. Luckily he wore all black so it looked the least bit fancy and nobody seemed to give him looks or anything like that. Jimin was snapped out of his thoughts by the hostesses voice. "right here, your waiter will be here shortly, I hope you enjoy your meal and thank you for coming". she bows and walks away. Jimin does not really know what to say so he just places his napkin on his lap and plays with it between his fingers. "Jimin, is there something wrong?". He looks up to see Jungkooks concerned eyes. "no no, everything is alright. I am just not used to....all this" Jimin says while looking around at the restaurant to emphasize his point. "If you are uncomfortable here we could go somewhere less...well you know, I don't mind as long as it is with you". Jimin finds his heart swelling at that and smiles feeling a little better. "its okay, I want to stay" Jimin says smiling at Jungkook. "Thank you for taking me out Jungkook". "anytime" Jungkook says winking. The waiter arrives and looks at the two, his eyes lingering on Jimin for a bit to long in Jungkooks mind. "hello, my name is Kai, I will be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?" he asks looking to Jimin first. "Just some green tea and ice water please, thank you" Jimin says. "certainly" he looks to Jungkook. "and you sir?" Jungkook thinks for a moment. "I will have some sprite, thank you" he says keeping his voice professional. "of course sir, I will be right back with your drinks and to take your orders". "thank you Kai" Jimin says smiling at the alpha waiter. "no problem at all" Kai adds smiling with a little wink leaving Jimin sorta confused. "oh bitch no" Jimin says. "Don't tell me he...." Jimin starts but Jungkook finishes for him. "Has taken an interest in you? yes". Jungkook doesn't look to happy so Jimin reaches over the table to grab his hand. "I am here with you to spend time with you not some waiter we just met" Jimin says trying to sound reassuring. Jungkook feels silly for a second and smiles at Jimin. "I know, I am grateful for that". "now lets look over the menu". Jimin nods in agreement.

*timeskip to after the restaurant and back into the car on the way to Jungkooks place*

Jimins pov

It's silent in the car as Jungkook drives. There are no words really needed, tonight was amazing. We talked, and I really got to know Jungkook. Something I just realized which I should have sooner is, Jungkook is not who he is at work. That is just his professional persona that he has to keep up. He is really gentle, caring, and kind. Though, there are some qualities that are the same but damn who am I to complain. I hope I am right though...

When he teases me it makes me feel so submissive that I just want to fall at his feet. "Jimin" I turn my head to look at him. "yes?".

"Would it be okay if you came to my place with me, it is closer than driving all the way to your place. Plus, I would enjoy your company". I feel pretty happy. Happy he asked me to stay with him. "of course, I don't have a change of clothes or a toothbrush and stuff" I say realizing I don't have the essentials that I would need to stay somewhere other than my place. "I can give you a toothbrush and you can just wear my clothes, my scent on you would be amazing" he says smirking while his eyes are still on the road. I blush while my omega just loves it and wants the alphas scent all over. "o-okay". This is also what I meant by some of his qualities do not change but damn...he is fucking hot. "we're here" I look out the window and my mouth drops. Of course he has a fucking mansion.

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