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"Where do you think you're going, precious?"

Christopher's got breath on (Y/n)'s eat sent shivers down her spine. His lips were so close to her, she felt a smirk form on his lips, irritating her by the lack of distance he bother not to give between them. Raindrops hits her face. It's starting to rain.

She makes eye contact with the boys, Jungkook looked at her worriedly and Namjoon was infuriated with the contact Christopher made with (Y/n) "Let her go!"

Christopher chuckles and licks (Y/n)'s jaw, slow and long just to provoke them. She squirms, trying to get away from him, but he's gotten too strong, making it seem impossible to get out of his grasp. The look of distaste displayed in her face.

Jungkook and Namjoon freeze, displeased at the way Christopher touched (Y/n), both of them sending deep glares at the man. Jungkook tries to get up but is harshly pushed down, making (Y/n) flinch at the impact, upset at not having the ability to go up and help them.

Namjoon–pissed off–threw off the man that was on him and got up. He headed towards (Y/n) and Christopher in a dash, hoping to snatch her away from the gross man.

"Take a step closer and I will slice her neck".

Namjoon stops immediately and heaves heavily. He and Jungkook's eyes widen in horror. Christopher placed a cold sharp object over the girls neck, face serious.

"No, please don't",Jungkook whimpers, shattering (Y/n)'s heart, wishing she never had the chance to hear him like that.

"Christopher, let her go", Namjoon extends his hand so the knife would be given to him.

"Tch. Who are you to boss around? And it's Seawolf to you, peasant."

He shifts his head, pride oozing from his mouth and eyes, irritating (Y/n) the more she stood there.

"Grab him, and pick him up", he growls. Two new large men grab Namjoon from either side of his arms and the one on top of Jungkook picked him up while another man came and grabbed his arm.

"Don't hurt them", (Y/n) pleaded.

"Oh don't worry precious, it's not like they're going to feel anything anyways", he and the other men chuckle. Another big man stands in front of Namjoon, cracking his knuckles and grinning with please. He laughs and strikes his fist right on Namjoon's stomach, forcing him to groan in pain. The drizzling was getting heavy but the minute.

"No!", (Y/n) cries.

"You dirty bastards! Leave him alo-", Jungkook is roughly pushed against the wall. The sight painfully grabbed at (Y/n), not baring it any longer. She once again tried forcing herself from the mans grasps.

"You piece of shit. Once my father wakes up he'll-", she's interrupted by Christopher's laugh. He lets go of (Y/n), grabbing her sabre and pushing her to the floor, making her let out a yelp.

"Speaking of, I should thank you for what happened to him", he grins. (Y/n) looks up at him, bewildered.

"You're a very smart girl. But not too smart. How could you just leave plants and herbs lying around your room?" He shakes his head.

She questions herself , wondering why Christopher would ever go through her room, knowing very well she wouldn't leave anything lying around carelessly. She knew he was lying, but why?

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