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"Welcome (Y/n), I've been anticipating you".

'Oh boy.'

(Y/n) removes the mask and nods her head, "Sade."

Sade straightens herself on the blue velvet couch. To her right, there's a black wooden desk with an oil lamp lit up. Her smooth dark skin contrasting well with the small amount of light in here. To her left there is another tall man with the same intimidating aura as the man who led (Y/n) to the room.

"Let's cut to the chase", she crosses her legs.

'Alright then.'

"I have a pretty heavy task for you", she looks at her hands, checking for the possibility for any dirt or dust on them. Or blood, which is most likely.

(Y/n) stands there, waiting to hear for the task.

Sade looks up at her with a strong gaze.

"I want you to take this", she snaps her fingers and a man emerges from the shadows in the corner of the room. Goosebumps speared across (Y/n)'s body, trying not to show any emotion or reaction to the man. He approaches (Y/n) and shows her an envelope.

"Take this to my ship and give it to my privateer. But stay on the ship. I want you to protect my ship till it arrives in Costa Rica", she finally stands up. She fixes herself, standing up to get ready to leave, appearing to be the same height as (Y/n).

Sade places her hand on (Y/n), making her tense up, not at all being comfortable at someone touching her.

"Are you able to do this task? There is a group of heavy pirates said to be roaming the seas. They've wrecked private ships and have stolen dabloons. I don't want that happening to my ship."

(Y/n) glances at the hand on her shoulder, resining an eyebrow. She looks back at Sade and smirks, "Don't think so low of me Sade. Now, you know my conditions?"

It's now Sade's turn to raise an eyebrow. (Y/n)  moves back so Sade's hand could release her. Sade looks at her up and down and turns to the appearing man,"Of course, no killing or stepping foot of a ship."

Sade speaks to the man, "Give her the envelope on her way out, then take her to my ship. I don't want any blunder behavior happening." She turns around and takes a seat.

"You're all dismissed."

The man with the envelope then walks to the curtains and awaits for (Y/n) to pass by. "Let's go", he murmurs.

She follows and proceed with his to the exit of the property. He then opens it and the two walk outside. (Y/n) places her mask back on and stands in front of the man.

He extends his arm with the ivory paper towards her, "Sade does not like mistakes of any sort nor when people get off schedule of hers". His eyebrows were scrunched up as he said this.

(Y/n) sighs, "I'm pretty sure Sade asked for me because she knows I won't do crap like that."

Before (Y/n) could grab the envelope from the man, it's soon snatched in seconds. Both the man and (Y/n) blink and turn to their right to see another man with it. His pale colored skin and cat-like eyes shine under the bright sun, the look on his face was blank. That is before he smiles after his action.

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