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I wake up as I hear my phone's alarm ringing. I silence the alarm as I get up slowly, I look around my shared room. Unable to see Izuku, I decide to gather my clothes for the first day of school. Luckily, I didn't have to fight as much as the others to get into the class because someone put me in as a recommendation, I don't know who but I hope I find out... I put my thoughts aside as I sit on the floor and slowly reach under my bed for the storage box with my school clothes in it. I grab the box and place it on my bed before opening the plastic lid and taking out my school clothes. I pick them up looking through them carefully, tie, shirt, skirt, blazer, stockings and a pair of black converse. I close my eyes for a few brief seconds thinking about putting my clothes on but when I open them, I'm wearing my school clothes with my pyjamas folded neatly in my hands. I blink a few times, thinking it was my imagination but it's not... I quickly place my pyjamas into a small whickered basket in the corner of the room for getting washed. I return to the box of clothes on my bed, putting on the lid before slowly pushing it back under my bed. I pick up my phone and use the camera feature as a mirror, placing it on a small shelf to stand it up. I then put my H/L, H/C into a high ponytail.
I slowly open the door before grabbing my school bag and wandering through to the kitchen, there I see Izuku. Izuku runs up to me with a huge, goofy grin on his face and his arms outstretched. As he gets closer to me he wraps his arms around me, holding something in his hand. When he finally let's go of me he hands me the thing in his hand, a small, neatly wrapped gift. The wrapping paper is a baby blue colour with a navy-blue bow attached to the top of the box. I look up at him with a smile as he forces the gift into my hands. I open it slowly and see a navy-blue box, I open it slowly and carefully revealing a F/C bracelet. I smile putting the box down on the kitchen table and removing the bracelet. I put the bracelet on slowly and pause for a moment to look at it. I look back to Izuku smiling brightly and he looks away with a shade of red appearing on his face. That's when I realise, is he blushing? "H-happy birthday Y/N!" Izuku says looking back at me, his face turning redder. "Thanks, but Izuku, are you okay?" I ask with a worried expression on my face. "Yeah, it's just... nothing. H-hey, we should get going!" Izuku says quietly grabbing his bag before grabbing my arm and rushing out the door.
As we arrive at school Izuki trips over, releasing my arm. A girl quickly reaches out and touches his arm, making him float. I smile and nod before wandering off. I walk into the school and walk straight to where my class is meant to be. I look up at the door 'its massive... who am I going to be in a class with?' I think to myself before slowly opening the door. When I walk in the class I see three others, one I can identify straight away by his spiked blonde hair and crimson red eyes, but, the two I don't know. One of the others who seemed to be inspecting the room has bluish-black hair and wears glasses. I walk to the back of the room where the last student stands. He has white hair on the right side of his head, on the right he has red hair. 'For some reason I feel drawn to him...' Just as I think this the boy turns to face me, a surprised look clearly showing in his face as mines slowly becomes red. I continue to gaze at him and my gaze moves to his heterochromia eyes, on the right he has a grey eye and on the left he as a turquoise eye. The boy begins to walk towards me, my heart begins to race as I look at the ground. He comes closer to me and eventually I can feel him breathing close to my face causing me to look up at him. He places a hand on my cheek bringing his face closer to mines. 'So close! Is he trying to kiss me! Who is he? What do I do?!' "H-hey! What the hell are you doing!" I say, slapping him in the face in the process. His face turned slightly in the direction I slapped him as his eyes grow wide with hurt and confusion. His breath hitches as he hesitates to speak. "Don't... Don't you remember me...?" He says turning his head, looking back at me for a brief moment before looking down at the floor. "Remember? I've never met you in my life!" I say loudly. "He told me this would happen to you Y/N." He says looking up at me with a hurt expression clearly showing in his heterochromia eyes. "My name is Todoroki Shoto" he says putting a hand on my cheek. "What a-are you doing? H-how did you know my name?" I ask unable to move with a red tint crossing my face. "I'm trying to make you remember..." He says before hugging me tightly and whispering in my ear "Happy birthday Y/N"
Suddenly my vision turns white and everything around me goes silent. Suddenly I see some colour forming around me, I look in front of me and see a younger me and what looks like a younger Todoroki. I see them hugging each other closely before Todoroki whispers something in her ear. "Happy birthday Y/N" after he says this, I am flooded with what seems like memories of him and I. My head begins to ache and my right eye begins to sting after a few minutes. Memory after memory the pain worsens, getting progressively worse. After a white all the pain goes away. When I look up at Todoroki I see him crying and saying goodbye. I begin to tear up as he falls to the ground on his knees, creating a small pool of tears in front of himself. As his cries fade out and my memory begins to blur I head a faint voice... "You promised you wouldn't forget me..."
When my eyesight returns to normal I notice my head is leaning on someone's shoulder, most likely Todoroki's. I lift my head slightly and as I expected I see Todoroki's face close to mine. Both our faces become bright red before I try moving away, only to realise his arms are around me, holding me tightly. He brings his face close to mines and puts his head on my shoulder, beginning to whisper into my ear. "Do you remember me now Y/N?" He keeps his head on my shoulder as I try to wriggle out of his tight grasp. "I... I do remember you, but I... can't breathe!" I say still trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "S-sorry" Todoroki stutters as he lets go of me and removes his head from my shoulder. I look at the ground feeling bad about forgetting him when I promised I wouldn't, but I have a feeling it wasn't choice based. 'From what I can remember we were extremely close... why would I want to forget him? I think there is more to this than what we think...' Todoroki places a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up into his eyes as he smiles at me shyly before his hand is slapped off of my shoulder. I turn around to see none other than Bakugo. Bakugo grabs my arm and pushes me behind him as he takes a step towards Todoroki. "What the? Bakugo, what are you doing" I say angrily expecting him to try pick a fight with Todoroki. "What does it look like, he was getting touchy-touchy with you. I'm only helping you. I think this will be an interesting fight." Bakugo states beginning to go into a fighting stance. "Can I not say hello to my fiancé in peace!" Todoroki says beginning to get annoyed. "Fiancé! Wait! What!" My eyes widen as I begin to become agitated.
Bakugo rushes towards Todoroki causing me to run in front of him just as Bakugo uses his quirk. I fall to the ground in front of Bakugo and Todoroki. I stay on the ground for a few seconds, when I stand up I can feel my eyes stinging slightly and my hair covers half of my face. I pull back my fist ready to punch Bakugo square in the face. "Now you've done it!" Todoroki states holding onto my arm. I turn around with an angry expression on my face as Todoroki lets go of me. I begin to get angrier and angrier, thinking about throwing chairs at both of them but suddenly something happens to me, I feel powerful. I fall to the ground and the stinging in my eyes stops. I stand up, a little dizzy and in front of me I see a massive pile of chairs and desks that look like they've been thrown... Next to the pile I see Todoroki. The pile then begins to shake before a loud explosion is head and Bakugo comes out from the pile of tables and chairs. Luckily, he didn't burn or damage anything... "What. The. Heck Y/N!" Bakugo shouts pointing at me, his hand only inches away from my face. "How dare you deface school property! We must fix this immediately!" The only other person in the room says. "I Tenya, Iida will help fix this mess!" The boy with bluish hair and glasses rambles on. "Did I do this? I'm so sorry!" I say quietly, slightly embarrassed at the fact I can't remember doing this.
I get all the tables and chairs put back with the help of Todoroki and Iida before the other students begin to arrive. Most of the students choose seats as soon as they walk into the room but Todoroki and I just stand at the back of the class. We stand in silence... not even a single word. Todoroki turns to face me and grabs my hand causing me to face him. "Mind if I sit next to you?" He asks smiling brightly. "S-sure!" I smile back as we walk over to two desks with small labels on them.
With closer inspection, the label on my desk reads the number 14 and as I look over at Todoroki's desk I see the number 15. We sit down as more and more classmates arrive. I soon get bored and open my bag to grab my sketch book. As I pick up the sketch book I drop my pencil on the floor close to Todoroki's desk. As I go to grab it my head bumps into Todoroki's and our hands touch. I blush and look away from him as I get back up and sit on my chair. Todoroki hands, me my pencil and stares at me weirdly for a few seconds. "Y/N, are you hurt? I didn't mean to bump into you, although you should be more careful." Todoroki says as he places his hand on mines. I look up at him. His eyes seem so sincere but he sounds so cold... I know he doesn't mean to sound cold, he must feel bad. I laugh as he gives me a faint smile. "I'm fine, are you ok?" I say giving him a closed eye smile. He nods and I draw my attention to my sketch book.
Without thinning I begin to draw someone. Then my drawing became a drawing of a boy, then it slowly became a drawing of Todoroki. I try to detail each strand of his hair and attempt to make it as perfect as I can. Then I fix his eyes adding more detail and beginning to shade them in. Just as I was finishing the drawing I am snapped out of my thoughts. I look up to see Bakugo holding my sketchpad. I start to sweat, hoping he won't destroy it. As I look up at him I see his grasp on my sketchpad get tighter. He then places the sketchpad on my desk quite harshly. I stare into his crimson eyes as he stares into my (e/c) ones. He smirks beginning to turn away. "You should draw me instead of him!" With that Bakugo walks away and I return my thoughts to my drawing, perfecting it.
I finish my drawing just as the teacher walks... or rolls into the class... wearing a sleeping bag? 'I'll save the boring details and such... the only thing worth knowing is that I was moved to the lone desk at the very back of the class, in fact I may as well just skip to the end of the day because nothing was really eventful. Anyways back to the story. Sorry.'
Although not much happened today Izuku still managed to get injured using his quirk to throw a ball... I walk into my classroom and see Shoto leaving. He stops in front of me and smiles handing me a small, neatly folded piece of paper. I hesitantly take the small piece of paper, watching him slowly leave behind me. I tuck the small piece of paper into my blazer pocket as I walk to the back of the classroom, being one of the last ones to leave, I look at Izuku and Bakugo's desks noticing Bakugo's bag is gone, but Izuku's bag is still hanging on its small hook attached to the table. I then hear the door open and hear a familiar sigh. As I look at the door I see Izuku, it takes him a minute or two to notice me standing at the back of the class as he began walking to his table. He picked up his back before turning to me with a surprised look on his face. He smiles and walks over to me. "Hey, Y/N. Sorry I didn't see you. Kacchan walked out and..." Izuku stops talking mid-sentence. "It's fine. We should get home though." I say as I rush to the door. "Y/N! Don't run, you might hurt yourself!" Izuku shouts to me as I run into the corridor and bump into someone. "S-sorry sir." I say as I sit up on the cold floor holding my head in my hands. "It's ok, Miss Y/N. Just be more careful." I hear a familiar voice say. I look up and see All Might.
Just like the first time I saw Shoto my vision becomes white and I begin to have memories return, but this time I am the old me, I turn into a little girl. The memories started with a sad one then becoming better and happier until the last one... The first memory had me as a little girl, in the memory I am crying and sitting on my knees on the floor with my face in my hands, even though my face is covered there are tears surrounding me on the floor in puddles. I hear a few voices behind me as I continue to cry. "She only has one living family member. It's not like he could actually raise her though, the so-called demon child." A female voice says. "Her parents said she was a great child but she does look like a demon, with how many quirks she has... Who knows who she will hurt?" Another female voice says, this one sounding higher pitched. "After all, it's her fault her parents died. They were trying to protect her. Shouldn't we just kill her?" An older male voice said. "Enough. I would raise her but I have so many children already. She is a good kid and I won't tolerate any of you talking about I best friend's daughter like that!" A low male voice says.
Then I hear a final voice... "I'll take care of you Y/N. Don't you worry. You'll be safe with me." I feel a hand pat me on the back as I stop crying and turn around to see a man with blonde hair similar to All Might's but this man seems weaker than All Might.
After a few memories I realise that man's name is Yagi Toshinori. After another few memories I realise he is All Might. He is also my Uncle and my last living relative. I know that All Might has been helping Izuku but I had no idea I was related to someone as cool as All Might. In the final memory I am being held down as someone pulls a needle out of a pouch. The needle gets stuck in my arm as I thrash around trying to escape a masked figure's grasp. I then see Uncle Toshinori behind him. He has tears in his eyes as he waves goodbye and my vision becomes black. That's when I wake up in UA's infirmary...