Chapter 7

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'It's dark... and cold. I can't breathe. Someone, anyone, save me.' Then there was a light, a bright light, brighter than the glow of 1000 suns. A silhouette of sorts swam towards me; its touch was warm and delicate as we swam out of the darkness. Then... SPLASH! 

I jumped out of bed. I looked around and couldn't see Bakugo or Toyo. I yawned, standing up carefully and walked to the bathroom where the source of the splash came from to see Bakugo attempting to wash Toyo. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight before me. Bakugo turned around to look at me, his face showed anger as I heard Toyo's squeaky puppy bark and watched tail wag. Bakugo was covered in more shampoo than Toyo. I laughed and walked over to the bath.

"Who's a good boy, Toyo! Here let me wash you, you mucky little pup." Within minutes I managed to wash Toyo, although I could see why Bakugo had trouble.

"I was trying to wash him so you wouldn't have to." I heard the tone of a rather annoyed Bakugo behind me as I dried Toyo with a towel, gently.

"That was nice of you. Although, it would have been nice if you woke me up. Idiot. Oh, are my clothes dry?" I finished drying Toyo and I turned to Bakugo.

"Yeah, I put them on my desk in my room for you. I'll set the breakfast out while you get changed." 

I finished getting changed and put the spare clothes Bakugo gave me into a messy basket in the corner of his room. There I found something... a picture frame? I picked up the frame carefully and noticed the glass was shattered. I tried to move the glass to see the picture more clearly but instead, I cut my finger. I decided to stop trying to see it better, though what I could make out was that it was a picture of Bakugo, Izuku and I from when we were children.

"What are you doing?" I dropped the frame, luckily none of the glass fell out.

"I just put the clothes you gave me in the basket and I saw-" I didn't dare turn around.

"Forget it." Bakugo left. 

I wandered through to the kitchen. Even Toyo was silent. I kept my head to the ground afraid to say anything. For a few brief moments I looked up and my eyes travelled to Bakugo, as he put some pancakes on two plates. He then wandered to the table and placed a plate in front of me. I ate the pancakes, which were surprisingly really good. I had expected Bakugo to either be horrible at cooking or to burn them. Once I finished eating; I stared at him, he looked like he wanted to say something. We each sat in silence. Toyo's snore could be heard loudly from beside me feet.

"Bakugo I'm sorry."

"I told you to forget it." He lowered his head and his hair covered his eyes slightly.

"But... I knew you didn't really hate Izuku. So, why'd you push us away like-"

"Shut up!" He raised his voice and slapped me across the face. My right cheek stung as my head tilted to the left. I held onto my right cheek with my left hand for a moment, tears threating to surface. The noise was even loud enough to wake Toyo up. I grabbed him and ran out the door. "Wait!" 

I ran down several streets until I came across an alley way. Thinking I knew where I was, I wandered down the alleyway. It was a dead end and just in that moment a hand wrapped around my mouth. I tried to fight it off but my attempts were futile. I even tried to scream but it was muffled by the stranger's hand. I dropped Toyo and saw him bite into the leg of my captor but my captor kicked him into a wall. I closed my eyes tightly. I don't want to use my powers against civilians...

Luckily, I didn't have to... 

"Let her go." I opened my eyes to see a familiar red- and white-haired hero in training, Todoroki! I watched as he froze the feet of two men that tried to walk towards him. Seeing him brought a shine to my eyes. I bit into the hand of my captor, drawing blood and he let go. "Y/N!" I ran into Todoroki's arms as he wrapped one around me and used the other to freeze my captor.

"Todoroki!" I pushed myself back so only his hand was on my shoulder and I smiled at him.

"Why didn't you use your powers?" My face dropped slightly.

"I don't want to use them to fight civilians." I turned around as I saw Toyo jump up back into action.

"You idiot. If I wasn't walking by, what would've happened to you?" I looked back up at him and nervously smiled. He then touched my right cheek and I flinched slightly. "Who did this?"

"Bakugo... I was snooping by accident and he didn't mean to and-" I was cut off by his lips touching mines. They were rather cold but warm at the same time. My eyes widened. He stood back and my eyes were still wide. "T-Todoroki..."

"I won't let him hurt you again. I promise." He said with a serious tone of voice as he rubbed my cheek gently. My eyes widened once again as he leaned in closer and kissed my cheek. My face must have turned at least 50 shades of red.

"My hero..." He smiled softly at me and I swear, it melted my heart. 

Todoroki, Toyo and I wandered around for a while. We went to the arcade. We went to get ice-cream and we went to the park. We sat down near the river where I first found the now sleeping Toyo... Wow that dog can sleep... It was then I realised... I left my phone at Bakugo's. I wasn't planning on going back for it. Todoroki noticed that my expression had changed and put his hand on mine. I looked at his hand, then I looked at his face and smiled.

"I'm fine. Just forgot my phone." I whispered.

"Ah." His reply was short. "So, is this a date, Y/N?" He smirked as he watched my face go through several shades of red...

"I-I dunno. Is it?" His eyes widened at my reply.

"Sure. If you're enjoying yourself-"

"I am!" I yelled over the top of him, blushing madly. His eyes widened before his expression softened and he smiled. We both lay silent for a while, staring up at the gorgeous sky, hand in hand. 

"Hey, Y/N?" Todoroki turned his head to look at me and I did the same.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I love you." My E/C orbs widened as I stared into his heterochromia eyes and he brought my hand closer to his face and kissed the back of it gently.


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