Chapter 2

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I slowly begin to sit up on the plain white sheets of the infirmary bed

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I slowly begin to sit up on the plain white sheets of the infirmary bed. Looking around the room I see no one; but I hear a faint mumbling coming from outside the door. I slowly stand up and walk to the door (making sure not to make a sound.) I look out the window of the infirmary door to see Izuku, Uncle Toshinori and Aizawa (my class teacher.) They suddenly stop talking and Aizawa's eyes meet mines through the glass... dammit! I open the door, feeling a bit strange...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I bow my head slightly.

"It's alright, kiddo." My uncle pats my head slightly.

"H-hey Uncle- I mean All Might! I feel weird again... just like when I go my memories of you and Todoroki-" I fall to my hands and knees as my vision blurs before turning white. I can still lightly hear Izuku and Uncle Toshinori call to me in the distance before everything becomes silent.

"No! Not this again!" I yell into the nothingness that surrounds me. Then I see Aizawa... in a room, the room was covered in blood. He walks over to a bed, his rope like scarf wrapping around something. Then he pulls up a small girl from under the bed. Me? The younger me I see, sobbed to herself as Aizawa's eyes softened and he put me down and crouched down beside me.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"M-my name is Y-Y/N..." I managed to say between sobs before continuing to speak quietly. "Mister... what will I do without Mother and Father?"

"You seem like a smart kid, so I'm going to be brutally honest... I have no idea kid. For now, come with me." The man said outstretching his hand as he stood up, slowly.

"Are you a hero?" I ask hesitant to take his hand.

"That I am, kiddo. The name's Eraserhead but you can call me Aizawa." I took the man's hand, ignoring the blood in the hallway outside the room that I can see through the slightly ajar door.

Many memories of my "Uncle Aizawa" came to me. A ton of happy or funny ones, like when I made him play dress-up and did his make-up. A few sad memories also came to me like when I cried because I got sick and couldn't help Aizawa (who was also sick.) There was also a few slightly funny yet still sad memories like one where I broke my leg for the first time after falling out of a really tall tree. Eventually my vision returns to normal.

I slowly flutter my eyes open. My legs and arms feeling numb. As my eyes pen and the blurriness of everything fades I notice a green strand of hair in front of my face and the light feeling of movement. I turn my head to my left slightly to see Izuku... is he carrying me? His arms holding onto my legs lightly as he carried me on his back, my head on his shoulder. I tried to shift around a little to show that I was awake, but the numbness in both my legs and arms didn't allow me to move.

"I-Izuku?" I managed to say quietly, but loud enough for him to notice as he turned his head slightly and stopped walking. His emerald eyes meeting my e/c ones.

"Y/N? You're awake? Are you okay?" He asked me in a sweet yet concerned tone of voice.

"Yeah." I smiled weakly at him. "I'm just a little sleepy." I said placing my head back onto his shoulder.

"Have some more rest, we'll be home soon." Izuku said as he turned his head forward and began walking once again.

"Okay, wake me up when we get home, please." I said in a quiet tone before my eyes fluttered shut again slowly and sleep took over.

Izuku's POV

I carried Y/N home as carefully as I could so I didn't wake her... again anyway. When I actually arrived home; I opened the door carefully took off my shoes. I then walked to me and Y/N's room. I move her covers over slightly before placing her down gently and taking off her shoes. I put her shoes in the hallway next to the front door before quickly returning and tucking her in gently.

I can't help but smile as I look down at her sleeping figure.

"She was quite light... maybe she needs to eat more... is that mean?" I murmur to myself as she begins to move slightly in her bed; I then become silent for a few moments until she stops moving around. "She must be tired... she has been through a lot today. Mother won't be home for a while... I know! I'll make her something to eat!" I look at Y/N again for a brief moment. "If you only knew what I feel for you Y/N." I kiss her gently on the forehead.

I walk out of our room, closing the door carefully behind me. Walking to the kitchen I realise what I just did and become the deepest shade of red ever. To try and distract myself, I begin to grab a can of soup. I open the can of soup, pouring the condense into a pot and putting it over the cooker. After a while I pour the soup neatly into two bowls. I put the bowls neatly on the table and walk over to our room. I open the door carefully and walk over to her bed, gently nudging her arm to wake her up.

Her eyes flutter open gracefully as she gives me a weak smile. I pat her head gently as she tries to stand up after pushing her covers off rather messily. She manages to stand but walks a little weird, she must still be tired. She manages to walk to the dining table and sits down in one of the seats. We both ate in silence for a few moments before she spoke up.

"What do you think of Todoroki?" She asked, her eyes still fixed on her dinner as she brought the spoon closer to her lips.

"Erm... I think he is okay, I didn't actually get the chance to talk to him. I just know from what your uncles said that he isn't so bad. Although, I feel there is something they didn't tell me." I replied looking her in the eyes s she stared at me with a blank expression.

"He is my fiancé..." My heart broke as she told me this. "But it's not like anyone can force me to marry him so it's all good." She said yawning as she placed her head on my shoulder and began snoring very lightly.

I carried Y/N back to her bed and placed the computer chair next to her bed so I could keep an eye on her but I ended up falling asleep too. My mother must have come in because when I woke up a few hours later Y/N was in the same position she was when I put her in her bed and there was a big, cosy blanket wrapped around me... 

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