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I looked at myself in the mirror, doing multiple different poses and expressions to make sure I looked PERFECT for the party I am soon hosting. My H/L, H/C was tied up into a ponytail with a red and a green ribbon. My E/C orbs shined brightly with excitement and emotion. I looked at my outfit one more, my white cropped hoodie with one green and one red sleeve. My white ripped jeans, white tank top and my white socks. I picked up my white converse and removed the white laces. I then laced up the right shoe with my spare red ribbon to match the hoodie and did the same with the green ribbon on the left shoe. I smiled brightly before hearing the door to the house open and close.

"It's Todoroki." I heard his voice call from the hallway as I picked up my light pink lip gloss just to add a little colour to my lips.

"In my room." I called back, putting the lip gloss on carefully as I heard his footsteps coming down the corridor. Then my bedroom door swung open. I turned around. "How do I look?" Todoroki stood with his mouth open slightly and his eyes wide... "Oh... you don't like it?"

"No, you look great!" He replied, a tint of red crossing his face as his eyes softened. "Here." He handed me a large bag filled with neatly wrapped gifts.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to! I handed out everyone's gifts in class, except from yours, Deku's and Bakugo's of course. And look at how many I received..." I pointed to a corner of my room that was filled with wrapped gifts, plushies and bags of wrapped gifts.

"It's because you're so popular Y/N. And I think-" The door to the house was banged harshly. 

Todoroki didn't finish his sentence and instead we wandered down the hall and opened the door. Outside were Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari. Bakugo wore a white shirt with red jeans along with a Santa hat that Kirishima clearly forced onto him due to his expression. Kirishima wore a red hoodie (unzipped), white shirt and blue jeans with his hair down. Kaminari wore a Pikachu hoodie with the hood up, showing ears attached to the hood and yellow jeans. I invited them all inside and they sat on the couch. A few seconds of silence passed before Kirishima spoke.

"Y/N, I wanted to give you this. But you were surrounded in class and swamped with gifts..." He handed me an oddly shaped gift, the wrapping wasn't too bad... I stared at him suspiciously. "I suck at wrapping things so I got Sero to do it." I knew it!

"I also wanted to give you this!" Kaminari handed me over an unwrapped Pikachu plush. "I thought it would remind you of me." He scratched the back of his head slightly, sweat forming on his forehead. I held it tightly to my chest and smiled.

"Thank you! He's perfect!" 

The five of us laughed and talked for a while before more of my classmates arrived. After a while the hole class had arrived along with my Uncle Aizawa and Uncle All Might (he showed up as All Might not Toshinori.) The party went extremely well. My Uncles had to leave on hero work but Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki were stayed behind with me to clean up after the party; which was actually quite fun because we had a food war and trash war... we had more to clean up but it was still fun. After we had cleaned up, we all crashed on the couch.

"Sleepover?" I asked exhausted.

"Yep." Todoroki replied blankly.

"Yeah." Deku managed between pants of exhaustion.

"Well, Obviously." Bakugo muttered.

"Want me to go get some snacks? I know! Why don't we all watch a movie together?" I smiled, jumping up.

"Sounds good, what are we going to watch?" Deku questioned as he had finally caught his breath.

"If I remember correctly, your favourite when we were young was The Muppet Christmas Carol." Todoroki spoke.

"How did you remember?" I questioned.

"We watched it every year until you know..." He trailed off muttering to himself so I couldn't hear.

"I thought we were eating and watching a movie not having an old lady meet and greet." Bakugo huffed.

"On it!" I ran to the kitchen. 

I took an extra tray and filled a few bowls with what left over popcorn and sweets we had left. I also grabbed a few packets of crisps, all that was left was the drink that were on top of... the cupboard. I looked up.

"There's no way I can reach... and I'm already too exhausted to use a quirk..." I said thinking out loud before it hit me.

I grabbed a stool and brought it next to the counter so I could grab the drinks from the top of the cupboard. Before I knew it, the stool began to shake. I squealed as the stool toppled over, me falling with it. I closed my eyes tightly ready to feel the pain of the fall... but it never came. I opened my E/C eyes to meet Todoroki's gorgeous heterochromia eyes. I blushed lightly as he put me down gently.

"What's up? Are you alright?" A worried tone clear through his voice.

"Yeah! I was having trouble reaching the drinks..." I admitted.

"Because you're so short?" A smirk crossed his face as he grabbed the drinks from the top of the cupboard with ease.

"I am not! You're barely taller!" I yelled at him... jeez I sounded like a Tsundere...

We sat down on the couch with Deku and Bakugo and we all watched the movie together, after the second movie (Your Fav Christmas Movie), Deku and I had fell asleep. After the third movie (The nightmare before Christmas), Bakugo and Todoroki had fell asleep. 

I rubbed my eyes slowly before opening them. I looked up and noticed everything had become bigger...and I was in Inko's house... As I looked around, I found a mirror in the corner of the living room. I peered into the mirror and stared at my reflection in horror. Nothing was bigger... I was smaller! I looked around 4. My H/L, H/C was in pigtails at either side of my head with red bows keeping them in place. My E/C eyes were big and wide. I was wearing an All Might onesie. Then I heard a voice. I spun around to see a tiny Deku. He was also wearing an All Might onesie. He wandered over to me and took my hand gently.

"What's up Y/N? It's time to watch The Muppets then it's time for bed." His high-pitched voice echoed in my head... No way...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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